Toyota Ractis - Opinions?

hazelthecat, Sep 16, 6:20pm
I need a vehicle with a taller back space and low loading so I don't have to collapse the mower when transporting it. I am over 60 so image is not a problem. I am aware it has CVT transmission so will treat it with respect.
Any bad experiences with this vehicle?
Any other vehicle options?

toyboy3, Sep 16, 6:24pm
Try a Toyota funcargo

tamarillo, Sep 16, 6:25pm
Skoda roomster

hazelthecat, Sep 16, 6:29pm
Thanks - The Funcargo is the predecessor to the Ractis.
Nothing European or with an 'M' in the name. ;<)

kazbanz, Sep 16, 7:03pm
Hazel- Just a bit of a heads up for you
The Ractis comes in 1300 and 1500cc. The 1500 has either keyless or normal key.
They are really good vehicles and Ive had no negative feedback about them from customers.
The CVT transmission has not shown up as having the issues that other manufacturers have encountered.The transmission has been used in Toyota's "mini" people mover the Sienta since 2003
That said UM for your particular application The funcargo would IMO be a better option.
The reason being that it is a bit easier to get mowers in the back of the funcargo.
Another possibility is the Honda Mobillo spike.or Just Honda Spike.
It is basicly a "Honda funcargo" if you know what I mean
The way the seats fold might be a bit better for you.That and the sliding rear doors does seem to suit some people

westwyn, Jun 19, 1:11pm
If it's any help, we sourced one for an American colleague last year needing a "compact family wagon" and he has raved consistently about it ever since. 101% happy ownership experience!