nzdoug do you have your owner maual book? normally it will say what it should run on in that booklet
Jul 21, 7:06pm
Yes, agreed. Ethanol has a lower density, which means lower kinetic energy. This happened when we switched from leaded fuel to the water they call unleaded, but ethanol is even worse. Result : more fuel used to travel the same distance, particularly if your car is under load - going up hills, etc. And, being highly corrosive, it's not very nice to anything it touches.
And forget about any relative cost savings. they're fuel companies.
Jul 21, 7:09pm
Thanks, intrade, Ive got the manual and only give it the best, but was wondering whats the best of the best.
Jul 22, 5:37am
The best is BP 98 , in my opinion
Jul 22, 5:39am
Now that I have a VF V8 I can use E85. Should I try it (even just once) or just forget about it.
did you know them old rover english rover mems system you can tune that to run 91 octane or 95+ octane with a rover bidirectional rover-mems scantool. modern cars automatic adjust timing to the programming. found that out on a 1990s volvo years ago put distributor back on with new plug leads its adjustable distributor did idle a bit low, so turned distributor to advance timing. few secounds later it idles low again. its just adapting and the computer does what ever it wants it to be no matter what. so you need to programm the rover with mems , this will be the same thing for ethanol bio crap fuels on petrol cars, unless it was full flex-fuel engine then i would not risk it personally .
Jul 23, 3:36am
Not for me , its only one of the flex fuel ones around
Aug 3, 6:40pm
you're spouting rubbish there intrade mate , a solution of water and ethanol mixes that well with petrol that adding ethanol (or a bottle of Meths) is an often used method of removing water from the fueltank.
Aug 3, 11:36pm
read my ulsd thread 101 then you might understand how it works i cant be stuffed to argue semantics if you dont get it then tuff luck i knew i was right and these 3 threads fit togather like a jiigsaw pussle of what went on over the years with seezed up diesel pumps and all
Aug 3, 11:52pm
Your information was obviously wrong or a chap of your integrity would have ignored that letter
Aug 4, 1:11am
Mate we're not even talking chemistry 101 here it's 3rd form chemistry! You can't rewrite science to fit your latest theory.
Mix 50ml of water with 50ml of alcohol and you will end up with 95ml of solution, why? The smaller alcohol molecules fit between the gaps of the much larger water molecules, this solution will not separate and very conveniently (for those with fuel/water contamination issues) the solution mixes well with petrol without separation. Easy.
Aug 4, 1:56am
i dont talk about that you need ethanol contermination water and ultra low sulfur fuel whom is more or less chemically treated to remove the sulfur . i dont rewrite any science your talking something complete different then what i talk about its not straight forward i did read loads of test reports over the last 10 years as i said i am not going to argue semantics you clearly dont understand what i talk about. read post 23 the guy is correct in what he states. you should read some of the problems flexfuel cars have in the usa with ethanol , it all depends on the individual circumstances , its even more difficult to understand what is going on then fuel trims they struggled for years and years to try and explain why storage petrol station tanks had agressive corosion because its a chain of events that cause the problem.
BP Ultimate 98 would what I would choose, but it sounds like it is unavailable where you are?
To the best of my knowledge all 98 Octane available in NZ is a biofuel mix except for BP. So I would strongly suggest (in my opinion yadi yadi ya for legal reasons) that if BP Ultimate is not available to just stick with 95 from Caltex or Z. Pretty much here nor there between the two in my opinion, I would probably go for Caltex as the techron additive is supposed to be good stuff.
Remember, I don't use either so my opinion may or may not be overly useful with regard to Caltex vs Z.
Again, just whatever you do, in my opinion stay right away from biofuel blends, not even once in your car.
Aug 4, 3:30am
one trick is only buy 95 from busy places not some rural place where no one buys 95 because the 95 in these tanks is probably 91 also its so old.
Aug 4, 3:56am
Intrade mate; just a quick note to point out that I appreciate English is your second language and the last thing I??
Nov 12, 7:33pm
It is thirsty but I also tow a 2.1 ton cherry picker. Mine is also the awd Adventra so sucks gas even more
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