How much cheaper buying diesel k's online ?

mals69, Mar 19, 3:45am
than buying at post office ? Looking buy 5000 km worth


frytime, Mar 19, 3:50am
$4 ?

mals69, Mar 19, 4:00am
4 bucks lolollol will go to the post office - cheers

jmma, Mar 19, 4:06am
That's another $4 for Diesel and your time :oP

mals69, Mar 19, 4:14am
And beat the feet till the window card arrives or take the risk
and meet a Nazi that fines me 200 bucks for not displaying the actual window card, be 4 bucks well spent :)

mrcat1, Mar 19, 4:34am
Your a little mislead there but that's your option.
The last time I did it online I just printed off the sticker generated online and put that in the window till the new one turned up in the mail, quite legal and it shows you have bought the ruc.

mals69, Mar 19, 3:40pm
Not mislead - come up with that one all by myself :) Cheers looks like I'm saving 4 bucks

intrade, Mar 19, 4:15pm
i tend to agree with people like you , i wonder if police and parking wardens even know you can legally print your own lables befor they fine you for incorrect displaying .

offrd1, Mar 19, 7:37pm
truck fleets do it all the time

mals69, Apr 22, 8:56am
Yeah true , shag round informing them you been wrongly
Was couple thousand k's over and got 200 dollar fine recently
- ecilop said changed from old system of being fined for the
amount of km's over