How good is ? Carbon Fibre Vinyl Car Wrap

sthrnhrs, Jan 17, 12:10pm
HI all, can I have your opinions on Carbon Fibre Vinyl Car Wrap as seen on tm . . . or else where if you can recommend, wondering if it's suitable for outdoor furniture, what life time it has and what are the pitfalls if any. Considering something funky for our Drum Seats we make.

mad_signtist, Jan 17, 1:32pm
What is the furniture made out of and if steel has it been powder coated? Is it smooth?

intrade, Jan 17, 3:57pm
to answer your question it will be as good as the material it is made from . remember the wrap is only a picture its not carbon fiber its only the look of it so what ever good the material its made from , probably difficult to answer you would have to see how long they warrant there products for uv resitence and there like

mad_signtist, Jan 17, 4:03pm
I did a bonnet in it. It shows marks but on small areas it would be fine.

kazbanz, Aug 6, 6:50am
as a "look" its pretty stunning. But its not fantastic for wear capabilities.
In a non wear area its fine but pretty quick it looks like black in wear areas