Saw a programme last night about somebody making their own bio diesel from old cooking oil (for their own use). So effectively an untaxed fuel. Would it be legal for somebody to do that in NZ?
Aug 2, 8:23pm
And as for the taxes, someone already paid sales tax and GST on the cooking oil. Customers paid GST on the food cooked in the cooking oil. The person converting it to bio diesel pays GST on the catalyst, methanol and power they use to make the bio diesel.
AND, the vehicle is still required to pay road user charges.
How many more taxes do you think should be paid?
Aug 2, 8:26pm
LOL; we don't understand how GST works do we?
Aug 2, 8:38pm
Well if you want to get technical, yes I doubled up on the example.
But the point is, that there is taxes paid on the process to get to use "free" cooking oil and convert it to bio diesel, as well as road user charges to be paid.
Someone doing a proper conversion would end costing them around 50c per litre, plus RUC.
Aug 2, 8:42pm
Most used cooking oil is not free. There is a market for it, I believe prices to be around 35-40c a litre - although that was a couple of months ago.
Aug 2, 8:45pm
That would be expensive. Depends where you are I guess. I have heard of prices from 0 to about half what you quoted.
Aug 2, 8:58pm
The price is less for animal based, solid fats or mixed, but used liquid vegetable oil has been attracting a premium for some time now for some buyers.
Aug 2, 10:42pm
Cooking oil to Bio diesel is NOT an easy process but apparently runs better then waste engine oil Waste engine is far easier to process. Either way, the set up gear can be expensive to start with but you can recover your costs very easily.
A good centrifuge for waste oil will set you back about $2k to $3k but cna process direct from a waste drum directly in to your fuel tank. If doing it that way, you also need to run an oil heater system or run a 50/50 -ish oil diesel mix all the time. Filters need changing more often.
DON'T use home made biodiesel in a new common rail engine You WILL kill it
Aug 3, 12:01am
running on cooking or any bio oils is not advisable for any diesel. even propper processed cooking oils has ethanol in the fuel and is highly agressive on eating rubber seals. and with ulsd= todays diesel you get a deadly mixture all you need is a few drops of water and you have a mixture of agressive rapid corrosion causing fuel. read my ulsd thread 101 about this subject.
Aug 3, 3:19pm
Really? And yet my latest CAT digger is bio diesel compatible and all machines have drain valves on the bottom of fuel tanks and water traps to get water out of the system, a lot more sophisticated than modern diesels utes and the like.
Aug 3, 3:41pm
mrcat the way that works but i know you probably know everything better even as a factory whom makes diesel equipment like bosch. the way it works is these bio engines are a wanted item so manufacturer made a calculation profit over warranty claims. the profits from selling huge numbers of bio engines is so big that they risk the destruction of engines under warranty even if they have to fully replace everything= still more profit and when the warranty is over they are on there own. manufacturer are in the game to make money and if stuff brakes and its not under warranty then its good for business. also be awear digger may well have far bigger emission tollerances. on a commonrail diesel 2010 onwards or so you wont even see the injector nozzle holes they are so tini
Aug 3, 9:14pm
In PNG they use palm oil to run their old hi lux deisels make it themselves but keep it a closely gaurded secret . diesel is very expensive & native farmers cant afford it . Programme on Sky few years ago about it
Aug 4, 2:04am
Really? What can I say, its answers like these that really makes your intellect stand out from everyone else's. Just FYI CAT have been making big common rail diesels to the latest emission rules for quite some time, maybe 20 years in fact and before that they had HUEI injected engines.
Nov 18, 4:29am
i dont like posting professional links here much i got a hell of a lt more sources and i know these guys are professionals as they talk the same language as bosch-training-center germany each and every one say the same thing in one way or another . loads of information i keep repeating the last 10 years is repeated by this guy and no i did not go look at the video and the tell you what they talk. i know things i have learned like gdi and fsi petrol injection is almost the same as diesel they are merging technology wise fuel contermination you name it heavy duty not the same as passange engines. its all in this usa video. bosch germany tutor said most stuff what they tell on there- its a huge video tst-seminars cranked a lot of now already old videos out for free because everyone needs to learn advanced engine managment diagnostic proceedures if they want to be able to fix now old cars 2005 onwards vehicles are mostly full of difficult electronics if the electronics malfunctions in a fation the manufacturer did not predict and not write a flowchart on how to find the problem.
the below video shows a hell of a lot what i say and i knew that stuff before i seen the video i do know from the money i spent on professional training with bosch germany aecs and a few other places the video is 100% accurate in what they tell. I am sure some of you disagree because you are simply ignorant and oblivious to reality. No offence to anyone who thinks that offends them, BUT think of it if that offends you because its actuarly You? if it is just change your ways , i never know everything and i wish people would write things they know is correct and post links to it also. Youtube is full of wrong stuff if you want to learn how NOT! TO DO things whatch eric the car guy. i recommend you dont wast your time to much there as its mostly incorrect. not all but most of it
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