I was not sure where to ask this but think you guys can help. I am wanting a few little motors like a car window wiper one, and a ceiling fan one, to use for a couple of props I want to do. Anyway I want to learn how to wire this so I will be able to plug them in a normal plug, and how I can use them for what I want to do. What is all this type of learning called? Where would I go to learn, or are there books? I am just not sure where to start.
May 12, 5:21pm
If you stick with car electrical motors, then you won't need to get anything done with a reg'd sparky OR run foul of the electrical regulations OR
Accidentally fry your self
May 12, 5:29pm
Oh Ok, but one motor goes back and forth and the other goes round, thats what I need. It will be a long time learning I know. What other little motors can I use?
May 12, 5:33pm
Just checking, you say plug them in but car stuff is mostly 12 volt so you'll be either wiring to a car battery or to some type of adaptor transformer. Car battery might be best as long as you have charger to recharge.
Also less scary dealing with 12 volts! Easy to switch as well with cheap switches. Get a cheap circuit tester light to check when you have good contacts.
May 12, 5:37pm
both motors go round and round, one has a revolving arm that converts that round and round to back and forward motion
both are very easy to wire up, they're only 12V - not enough to fry you - and definitely not plugged into a normal plug ( ie the lead from the power socket on the wall)
so you need a 12V DC power source ( car battery ) some switches to suit your design and requirement and a couple of minutes to work out how to utilise them all difficulty is that some ( most ) wiper motors have 2 power feeds in, and generally use the shell as the earth, but this is an easy lesson to learn and will not cause issues if wired wrong
May 12, 5:38pm
I think that the actions of wipers for instance comes not from motor going back and forward but from mechanism attached to motor that spins. At least that's how they worked many moon ago when I last played with one.
In old minis for instance it is a whole system with motor, lines, fixings etc. if you pick up something like that you can use the wiper fitting itself intact to get back and forward action. These aren't strong motors though. Strong motor is likes of starter motor though I imagine that won't want to be spun long periods, but it is damn strong. If you can find a tolerant friendly wrecker who will let you play with stuff? Other motors are likes of ones in seats.
May 12, 5:40pm
and the question, what are you trying to do, both motors are very limited in the power dept, they are not overly strong, they certainly will not move several kgs of attached props
May 12, 5:41pm
jeeze tams, you're on the ball today, every time I try to type at my normal slow speed I find you;ve already been there, raided the nest, and flown on to the next logical step
May 12, 5:44pm
Great stuff guys, now where do I start to learn everything you guys have just said.
May 12, 5:48pm
What about 12V cordless power tool motors?
May 12, 5:54pm
The props will be very light weight too. Wiring to a battery seems to make more sense. I wondered about that.
May 12, 5:55pm
Yes good idea.
May 12, 5:58pm
Online, AUT Technical Institute or just talk to someone who knows about this stuff! If you can outline in more detail just what you want to do there are plenty of people on here who can guide you complete with diagrams or whatever! Which area of the Shore do you live?
May 12, 6:05pm
Thanks yes, buts thats my problem the names of these corses? I see so many and just want to learn the basics and have some knowlege. Theres loads of plans and diagrams on Youtube and step by step guides, to help with my frames etc but not on how the motoring side works.
May 12, 6:17pm
ok i did not see your thread the thing is youtube is full of wrong information, if you do want to learn things propperly you will need to start with learning how to walk before you can run. i think that is the best analogy i can give you. Now if your not willing to do this then your on your own i have no time to try and help people whom think smoking weeds wand whatching youtube videos on how to drive your car on water with a empty coke bottle. if your however not one of these people then you should buy the book from dan sullivan and start learning ohms law , i find he has the best way of teching ohms law how it is in the real world not like pen-pusher morons teach it with the E-I-R letters that make no sense in the real world .
May 12, 6:33pm
this guy is a professional and if you think you can skip learning what he teaches then your best to join the woppy weed smokers. this is the verry first thing you should whatch and learn OHMS-LAW-Matters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLK8zgpixDY&html5=1 if you want more help i will assist you with correct professional information but he is the best guy to learn exactly what you want to do correctly, he knows his stuff and explains things so anyone should be able to understand solong as your brain switch is in the On position that right everyones brain has a on off switch luckely i was told to turn my brain on in my apprentice and i am still thankfull to the guy who told me to do this today.
May 12, 6:39pm
Intrade I never said I want to skip learning, re read my thread maybe might help. I have know problem learning new skills to help me with all my projects I do, and I enjoy it to.
May 12, 6:45pm
go grab a wiper motor ( cos they're easier to learn than window winders ), get two, pull one apart and look at what it is, what it does, you'll soon suss how it works use the other one and a couple of wires on a car battery ( quad battery etc, rideon mower battery) and suss which wire goes where on the motor and on the battery to make it go, and if changed to another peg makes it do what
strange as it may seem picture what a plumber does, lays pipes ( wires) and connects them all up so no water escapes, no leaking joints - with 12V DC the wires have to continue back to the other side of the battery, its a loop circuit and will not work if not completed
you could get all techy and add fuses etc, or use your fingers, they'll tell you if you have a wire in the wrong place, get your fingers in there use them to hold the wires on the battery posts ( no you will never get a shock from a 12V battery, even if you wet both your hands and plunged them down on both posts at the same time - you won't even get a wee tingle, you'de surprise how many think you do try it, although if you use a pacemaker I wouldn't - I doubt if it would upset it but why risk that start with a little smaller, try a car tailight bulb and a couple of wires, make it go, find out where the wires go to make it work, and figure out why it doesn't if the wires are not in those positions
it will cost you an afternoon of discovery and very little else
May 12, 6:50pm
i naver say you where it is a question of what direction you want to go, did you whatch the video i just posted? you should make a youtube account and subscribe to his channel and then i can tell you how to get his book and you probably also want to get his loadpro test leads , makes voltage drop test a push button job with his patented tool.
May 12, 6:54pm
If you are going 12 volt, and don't have any gear as yet, buy a jumpstarter kit, they come with a wall charger and crocodile clips as well as a 12v lighter socket. It should be cheaper than buying a new battery and charger, will do the same thing, and comes with a handle. Pick-a-part will give you plenty of cheap electronic components to play with, so it will be affordable to learn through trial. Have fun.
May 12, 6:55pm
Thanks guys. Its all a big help. I just want a broom handle going around my couldron by itself, for Halloween, and a couple of other little things. The youtube clips to set this up are excellent, but wanted a bit of the motoring side knowledge. Thanks heaps skin1235
May 12, 6:57pm
I def did indeed and subscribed to him and added to watch later, as I dont have the time to concentrate to watch now. And I am rapped with it . Thanks
May 12, 7:07pm
his book has all the information i got the book and his loadpro leads for voltage drop testing , the books are actuarly already in nz but you have to order it from a guy in brisbain australia i had to call the guy 3 times he is on skype so you can call him there to save money as they ignore emails like almost everyone in business it seems http://www.esitest.com/181.html
May 12, 7:09pm
to me that would be a simple 10 minute job to arrange, a 12V source, a motor and a means to couple the motor to the broom handle
gearing may be an issue - most motors will spin too fast so will need some means of slowing - could be a snip with a pliers to remove a brush to fix that too
you will enjoy the afternoon, I urge you to partake, and what you learn will open doors for expansion beyond your current abilities
May 12, 7:19pm
https://youtu.be/EvnRVRCU244 This one, and then there are more complicated ones with the actual witch stirring and her head moving. But those ones will be later on down the line for me to do. Thank you intrade thats a big help. Skyte skin1235 LoL
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