Now thats just TOO clever mr Toyota.

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kazbanz, Feb 25, 2:16am
Hey guys I just had to share this because its just so cool.
SOME of the Toyota Blades in Japan came with a really stylish Toyota wristwatch. Good quality watch in that brushed silver look.
lets face it most blokes wear a wristwatch right?
BUT it isn't just any wristwatch--ohh no because you can leave your car keys at home with this one.
Yep its got the door unlocker and ignition chip built in.
walk up to the car -reach for the door handle and pop its unlocked.
Push the start button and you're away.
Just like any other chip key.
Yep you still get the two normal keys as well.
I'm hopeing they can be reprogrammed to any Toyota with the same technology.
aint that a cool idea?

snoopy221, Feb 25, 2:23am
Meh so wn da 50 take ya keys.
lol juss watch me. lol

pf, Feb 25, 2:39am
the Martin Jetpack debuted on stock exchange today .

intrade, Feb 25, 2:42am
thanks for the info. i would like to make a comment and i fall in to the trap at times also. Somone puts good information on here simple dont matters and then the first thing you see is what is wrong with the information and you write that.
Like here would be the classic example
this is just so you all see what i mean.
= right thats old news any chip can be fitted in any whatch.
this is true but it reads like i am extreem rude.

tamarillo, Feb 25, 2:42am
In English?

tamarillo, Feb 25, 2:44am
That is a very good idea, one better to have it as a watch strap so you can use own watch ( who wants a Toyota watch).
Crickey they'll be putting telephones in shoes and V8's in hillmans next.

gunhand, Feb 25, 2:44am
When the cops take ya keys ya still got the watch.

kazbanz, Feb 25, 2:49am
nahh not rude mate---Im sure you are right. but Toyota actually DID it
and the watch looks great.

mini-mac, Feb 25, 2:54am
Now I'm feeling cheated, I never got a watch with my Blade :-(

( but I got a damn good car :-) )

designerliving, Feb 25, 3:03am
Technology like this is nothing new

Hyundai have a similar setup but with your mobile phone, but not only does it allow entrance and starting but it remembers your seating position and radio stations.

Mitsubishis Phev have a phone app that allows you to pre set the heater or air con so its on a timer for example to turn the heater on 5 mins before you go to work, it also allows you to set optimal charging times so with the cable connected it still wont charge until the conditions are met via your phone settings to allow off peak charging only, without having to go and plug it in during off peak times

pauloc, Feb 25, 3:13am
It's been available since 2006.

mini-mac, Feb 25, 3:21am
Kazbanz, any thoughts on how to acquire one of these watches?

kazbanz, Feb 25, 1:46pm
go to japan and buy one

mrfxit, Feb 25, 2:49pm
Seen that before ;-)

mini-mac, Feb 25, 3:59pm
Without a watch, I probably wouldn't make it in time,lol

toyboy3, Feb 25, 4:48pm
Have to hand in your watch when trading the car in

sooby, Feb 25, 5:12pm
very clever, expect nothing less from Toyota

skull, Feb 25, 5:17pm
Photo or it ain't true Kaz

pauldw, Feb 25, 5:47pm
I'd wonder about battery life. The keyless fob for our Suzuki uses a battery every 18 months or so and that battery is about 4 times the size of my watch battery.

daryl14, Feb 25, 6:25pm
A transponder chip inside a key does not require a battery. Only the remote for unlocking does. I imagine the car detects the chip in the watch and automatically unlocks the doors, as opposed to the watch sending out a remote signal.

richardmayes, Feb 25, 6:39pm
Yes that is indeed very cool.

Shouldn't this thread have "advertisement" in the title though?

serf407, Feb 25, 6:46pm
Toyota smart key wrist watch.

Is that a Seiko, Casio etc?

pauldw, Feb 25, 6:48pm
A chipped key is inserted in close proximity to the chip reader. AFAIK the keyless systems have active radio transmission of the required code in response to a radio request from the vehicle. If the battery is flat the key has to be used for door and ignition.

mazzman, Feb 25, 7:27pm
Yep, I had this exact issue on the weekend. The battery in my Blade key was getting low and I started having issues with the car not starting. Changed the battery and I was back up n running.

kazbanz, Feb 25, 7:29pm
check serf's post. I showed one of the watchesto to rob man and troggy this week. I got one as a gift from a supplier and passed it on to one of my kids.