DD15 detroit Diesel

julz105, Feb 10, 10:31pm
Any one no out there no why when these engines do a Regen (Burnoff) they blow blue smoke my freightliner does it every day now for the last 8 months this shouldnt happen it never use to its done 450.000kms now an freightliner want no part of it, is there any Black box or Chip out there we can install to solve this problem .many thanks

brigette6, Feb 10, 10:40pm
Should have brought a Cummins lol. we have had 2 trucks at work with similar problems. turns out that the $8K exhaust system doesnt like off road driving and doing a regen, gets too hot + vibration. the baffles have been coming loose inside. by memory the smoke was white. freightliner payed for the first one and then didnt want to know about the second one.

pericles1, Feb 11, 12:35am
It's ashame Caterpillar pulled out of the on-highway engines now ya stuck with Detroit and Cummaparts

mrcat1, Feb 11, 10:29pm
No they never, now when you buy a CAT truck engine they throw in the rest of the truck for free.

julz105, Jun 22, 2:01am
yep if freighliner come out with cummins E5 motor i will be getting rid ov this real fast many thanks anyway guys cheers.