I have noticed while stationary at lights in traffic etc that my axela shakes. I feel it in my seat and my rear view mirror vibrates.Have had the sparke plugs changed and have had the engine mounts checked over and they are fine . anyone have any ideas on what this could be?
Aug 12, 4:32am
Auto or manual? Does it still do it in neutral?
Aug 12, 4:40am
Tiptronic and Yeah I think it does do it in neutral
Aug 12, 6:15am
What revs is it idling at?
Aug 12, 12:45pm
I assume plug leads were checked at the same time plugs were changed?
Aug 12, 3:52pm
1) right top engine mount. It can "look" just fine but its an oil filled mount that gets cracks-that leaks the oil out and the car feels harsh to be honest that's the biggest cause. 2)The throttle body might need a clear out. 3) You have a dud coil-axella has individual coil packs and they can break down at idle. 4)AFM needs a clean or replacement. Or "something else" --being just normal stuff to check.
Aug 12, 8:42pm
it idles at just under 1 RPM
Aug 12, 8:55pm
top engine mount
Aug 12, 11:08pm
Ok silly question. the mechanic showed me the 3 mounts underneath the enginge. is the top mount above the engine? or one of the underneath mounts?
Aug 12, 11:14pm
open bonnet-Look down on the engine-look at the right front corner.of the engine. Look across to the right of that and you will see a metal "bridge" and under it a round metal "thing" with rubber inside it.--THATS the right top engine mount. --from your prospective looking in it will be left front of course
Aug 13, 2:17am
Thank you! that is very sturdy and is not loose . hmmm it must be something else
Aug 13, 4:26pm
Sorry .it might very well LOOK just fine looking down on it. the oil inside wont leak upwards. it will leak downwards. I was just giving directions to its location. down under it is where you may see a trail of oil. -allowing that the car has BECOME harsh whilst you have owned it. it wasn't already harsh. I did actually point out in post 6 the first few things I would personally be checking in an axella with your symptoms 1) right top engine mount. It can "look" just fine but its an oil filled mount that gets cracks-that leaks the oil out and the car feels harsh to be honest that's the biggest cause. 2)The throttle body might need a clear out. 3) You have a dud coil-axella has individual coil packs and they can break down at idle. 4)AFM needs a clean or replacement. Or "something else" --being just normal stuff to check.
Aug 13, 5:04pm
you need to pull the top part of the mount off (ali bridge looking thing) and check it that way.It's the only way you can do it. I have replaced two of these this month on customers cars or just ring the mount shop and see how many they sell.
Aug 13, 8:22pm
Thank you guys, is this a common issue with Axelas? The mount does look brand new but will get someone to investigate the top mount.
Oct 12, 5:23am
I have offered several possible causes.--the mount is number 1 but other options are equally valid
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