No the price is for a high state of health battery for a Leaf from EV-Enhanced in Christchurch, I think Blue Cars in Auckland probably do them as well.
A battery from Nissan in Japan is now $2800 USD, but at the moment you can't ship them here and you have to return your old battery. Batteries are coming down in price very quickly, when the first Leafs were made a Leaf sized battery cost about $31000 USD to make, now Tesla are making the same sized battery for $2400 USD and they're only going to get cheaper.
Jul 30, 5:24pm
secoundhand i talk brand new as in 100% battery have discharge cycle its quite high on lithium who are watercooled and computer controled. if nothing fails .
Jul 30, 5:29pm
Batteries last generally about 10 years, although if they're abused (like any machine) they'll last much less, I suspect that your friends Leaf must have had a very hard life, my 2011 car does Dunsandel to Christchurch return if I drive conservatively. Of course your friend could just investigate a replacement battery? much cheaper than a new car.
Jul 30, 5:33pm
I'm not sure what your trying to say. The Leafs electronics manage the discharge rate to keep the battery in good condition, hence why they last for years. Its one of the reasons the Leaf is limited to about 110hp rather than the 300hp the motor can produce with the correct controller.
Jul 30, 5:47pm
you did not watch the video nor read the nissan factory manual of the new leaf dr john kelly clearly pointed out what the problem is. and there is somone on this forum who replaced more then one failed nissan battery under warranty already . if a cell fails it affects the whole battery. and aircooling is a bad idea its something most car makers given up quite some time ago . for good reasons. the fast charge option creates heat . heat that aircooling cant deal with correctly . and no the old leave can only slow charge it has not got this big problem. the old leave also only can do 90km on the first gen battery. if you have to slow charge a big battery or damage it`. thats defeates the whole idea to have bigger range.
Jul 30, 5:53pm
tesla drive train bearings fail from 40,000 miles onwards they still fail after 40 once the warranty is up and you pay for a new drive train refurbishing . I guess the morons just buy a new one at 39k and say there was no problem. That is whats called being delutional. Also tesla battery are not tesla they are PANASONIC
Jul 30, 6:08pm
Err, my 7 year old battery still does more than 90km to a charge. They fast charge fine, my cars had heaps of fast charges and is still aging normally. Heat is the issue not the actual fast charging. You really should get some experience before you start commenting?
Jul 30, 6:10pm
They're developed by Tesla (the 2170 cell) and they're manufactured by Panasonic in Tesla's factory. It's a joint venture.
Jul 31, 5:21am
They are better for home charging and if you can plan a trip. I did some maths, ie if people were relying on charging stations. Other than needing to wait 30mins. Wellington to Auckland is about $120 in petrol, charging stations like Z Energy would be $55.
Jul 31, 1:30pm
if you watch tv one news just now. for you people with delutions. The guy who fixed a tesla for a fortune cant supercharge it now. I guess that guy forgot to wotch rich'rebuilds truth about tesla' youtube videos.
Panasonic is the exclusive partner and battery cell supplier for Tesla’s electric cars and battery storage products, and as such, the Japanese company has been with the electric car maker since the beginning of the Model 3’s “production hell.†During the company’s shareholder meeting in late June, Panasonic noted that the accelerating pace of the Model 3’s production has started causing battery cell shortages.
Jul 31, 7:23pm
#114 I watch it tomorrow I am out of binge data and low on battery I change my phone now wirelessly with losses and heat generation and if it's not exactly on the charger it won't charge. I know facts I experience them fictional bullcrap and Skitzo ideas only work in dreams. Sweet dreams everyone.
the problem is if it had supercharge in australia . that would mean the power grid is used there and the cost stays in australia. Now we all know power costs a fortune in this country and supercharging is free its why rich rebuild sent elon mustard 10 bux for his power used lol. But back to the problem. Tesla australia would supply the cost of power for supercharging . and because the car is now in new zealand they wont supercharge it as its original profit was with tesla australia. I could see how this guy might not get anyzhing more, as the problem is tesla australia would be paying for the free power and tesla nz wont be wanting to have that cost if they dont have to.
Did you even listen to (and understand) the interview that this links to?
Aug 4, 8:07am
No he knows nothing about it or EVs, he's the ultimate I read something on the internet and now I have an opinion guy.
Aug 4, 9:20am
With reading and listening skills as fine tuned as his writing skills it would seem.
Aug 4, 10:36am
the thread states Electric CAR are there trouble free as claimed i think that article more then proofs the title.
Aug 4, 11:25am
If only most gas car issues could be sorted with a software download. I'm not keen on cars being stuffed full of computers, but that seems to be an issue for most modern cars, not just ev's. The fact is that ev's have the potential to be a more reliable and maintenance free means of locomotion, whether they will be allowed to be is another matter entirely.
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