Dangerous and inconsiderate driving

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purplegoat, Sep 19, 2:31am

So yeap the ute driver is a tool for passing in such a situation , however the twats in the 4WDs are a pack of inconsiderate knobs
Travelling well below the speed limit so friggin close up each other's backsides that there's no room for others who wish to pass
Basic courtesy is if you are in a convoy to leave LARGE gaps between vehicles so others can safely overtake .

bumfacingdown, Sep 19, 2:58am
Yes, he should have had a way longer tow rope

martin11, Sep 19, 3:21am
How do you know that ? speed limit towing is 90kph !

tgray, Sep 19, 3:25am
Dangerous? very, but I have seen way closer calls than that.

db.price, Sep 19, 3:39am
Seemed the weather was pretty crap too so a fair reason to not be going 100km an hour.

I guess the guy in the Placemakers ute will be updating his CV.

bashfulbro, Sep 19, 3:41am
Right on the money p-goat, tailgating is like a plague in NZ. Hardly a day goes by when the NZ motorway systems don`t have delays because of idiots ploughing up the arse of someone in front.

martin11, Sep 19, 3:57am
Time for you to do an eye test it was not a Placemakers vehicle .
Hope you are not driving with this eye condition !

purplegoat, Sep 19, 4:12am
Take a look at the video and it's obvious they are well below the speed
And regardless of what speed you are doing , if there's vehicles behind you basic courtesy is to make it easy for them to pass where it's safe
Travelling in a convoy of 5 all up each other's backsides is just inconsiderate and typical of many fark wit NZ drivers . it's all about them and sod everybody else

pdc1, Sep 19, 4:15am
Looks alright to me! I didn’t see anyone hit anyone. What’s the issue?

loose.unit8, Sep 19, 4:19am
It's not just basic courtesy, it's the law that if you're holding up faster traffic (impeding the flow) you must allow them to pass.

bumfacingdown, Sep 19, 4:20am
They can't have been up each others arses, that overtaking ute slotted in between the two vehicles
The problem was he was in a rush or did not see the first vehicle he went to overtake was being towed but decided to keep pressing on when that became obvious

flack88, Sep 19, 5:02am
#10 how many times do you see campervans holding up traffic?Hes got a new ute the 5* rating save him he be fine!

kazbanz, Sep 19, 5:44am
either the camera is set wrong or this is 12 month old news-

purplegoat, Sep 19, 5:58am
Take a look at the video again . it's obvious they are following far to closely to allow adequate room for an overtaking vehicle to slot in there
Inconsiderate twats .

db.price, Sep 19, 6:24am
Yes the guy passing wss an inconsiderate twat. Could have killed himself, them and the truck driver.

db.price, Sep 19, 6:27am
I didn't watch the video last night as it wouldn't play. The Stuff article said Placemakers last night. Not the first time they have been wrong.

desmodave, Sep 19, 6:55am
Just an every day occurrence while out on the road . I often end up behind a late model 4x4 driving through the Karamea bluffs , they think they are in a sports car going hard . Well hello you are not and your driving sucks , plenty of places to pull over and let quicker traffic past but they don't . Interesting how many slow buggers actually pull over when it is a police car behind them . Probably stops them from getting a ticket for crossing over the center line of the many bends in that bit of road .

sw20, Sep 19, 6:59am
Speed limit while towing with a rope is 50km/h.

ema1, Sep 19, 7:53am
You are dead right there pg if I encounter a heap of vehicles like that I just don't add myself to them, same thing if they pile up behind me I prefer to pull over where able and just let em go.
Sometimes it isn't an easy task to do if roads don't allow but when opportunity to pull over I do and let em go.
I go by "You're a long time dead so what's the hurry!" I prefer plenty of space around me and will pull over and let "wolf packs" disappear into the distance to gain that space.
I can't be bothered with bashing my brains out and running risky overtaking etc just to gain SFA time overall, particularly in conditions like that shown.
I prefer to die of old age actually, lots obviously don't have the same thoughts in mind, if a few minutes extra on the road means possibly a safer trip well then so be it IMO.

purplegoat, Sep 19, 8:05am
The biggest knuckle heads are the self righteous twats who think it's acceptable to dawdle along in there own dreamland oblivious to the other motorists behind them . what sort of a winker thinks it's acceptable to travel in a convoy of five vehicles , well below the speed limit and not allow space for others to pass .

ema1, Sep 19, 8:09am
Funny thing with NZ drivers is though is speed limits are regarded as a target.
Many don't understand that the speed limits aren't necessarily a safe speed to drive at depending on road conditions, traffic density and or conditions and weather and light conditions at any given time.
I drive at what I consider safe up to those limits and only when I consider it to be so and nobody else has the right to say otherwise.
Problem with that is though that hardly is there two drivers that think and act in the same manner on our roads, far to many have the "Rip shit & bust, got to be there before anybody else impatient who gives a stuff . long as I get to where I want to go no matter what mentality."
Actually on long distances these days I prefer to fly . quicker and safer into the bargain, I've done my share of HT driving for a big part of my working life (accident free) and seen a lot of mad scenario's on our roads.
Thank god I can now say I drive when I want to these days and that's not a lot , mainly localized driving where down here it's fairly tame, come summer holiday time things tend to go "To hell in a hand cart." when the madness of loopies takes over for a spell.

ema1, Sep 19, 8:23am
You should have added . where possible to do so safely your post plus to slow down where it is possible to do so safely and if a tailgater is right up your chuff he needs to be observant too to see if driver ahead wants him to overtake in a safe manner.
This is a major failing of NZ drivers. no thought given to others.
Don't get me wrong I can and often do drive at a fair (but safe) clip too but doing what I see in that video clip is simply courting disaster, the responsibility lies with all drivers not just some as it appears is pretty much the way things are at present, impatience and ignorance is rife among drivers these days pity.
Driving is a privilege not a right and as such needs to be done with respect to all other folks on our roads whether they be other drivers passengers or other road users including cyclists or pedestrians not in a vehicle at all.

ema1, Sep 19, 8:30am
Driving is a serious responsibility and full attention to what is going on in all aspects of driving should be adhered to at all times and that includes having respect for the road laws in statutes of the country they are driving in. autonomous vehicles I'd wager would be the only way of achieving that ultimately. human nature is a fickle thing and that's why we have those laws etc but to make them work properly drivers need to have a high level of common sense.
That IMO is the ultimate dream and something I'm never likely to see. ever !

headcat, Sep 19, 8:58am
The subject of today's sermon will be.

mrfxit, Sep 19, 9:04am
For the speed the 4x4's were at when approaching THAT corner, there was still enough gap to slot in the ute.

The ute driver shouldn't have taken the risk full well knowing how many vehicles he needed to pass with THAT corner coming up.

Regardless of what speed the 4x4's were doing, there wasn't enough room to pull over at that point, to let anybody past safely in part because it was raining hard & it was a grass verge.

Narrow road . several vehicles in front . Approaching blind corner . low light conditions with persistent rain (pretty dark for 2pm in the afternoon/).

Not sure who the bigger twat is, those abusing the 4x4 drivers or those justifying the ute drivers actions