Led daytime lights

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monsieurl, Sep 20, 7:08am
I don't know why people add those terrible non OEM lights to their cars, imo makes it look ricie and cheap.

poppajn, Sep 20, 8:30am
See and be seen.

neell, Sep 20, 9:40am
So why are there so many accidents at night.everyone has their lights on- unless you are a muppet.

headcat, Sep 20, 1:09pm
Steal the motorcyclists margin of safety.

robbief, Sep 20, 3:48pm
So what sort of transformer do you require and where can you get them? i am putting some LED DLRL on a camper with LEDS on it have not got the relay yet got the wires set up and not a lot of resistance on the park lights wire so may require a transformer. to get it to work.

sr2, Sep 20, 3:52pm
Transformers do not work with DC!


robbief, Sep 20, 4:07pm
Will i have to put a resister in the park light line some how to get the relay to cut in ?

ianalice1, Sep 15, 8:15am
Thinking, all I'm allowed to do, fitting a pair of Led daytime lights.
Looking at TM listing they all 'seem' to be 2 wire connection.
I know by law they must turn on with key and turn off with park lights.
Any ideas how to fit them, please?

saxman99, Sep 15, 8:32am
Use a changeover relay, fired by the park light.

sr2, Sep 15, 8:38am

ianalice1, Sep 15, 9:39am
Looks good but $239.99 NZD way outa my price range

ianalice1, Sep 15, 9:40am
Heard about that, but thinking diodes might work, too?

bigfatmat1, Sep 15, 10:30am
Use I relay connect 86 to park light, 85 to ground, 30 to ign, and 87a to daytime lamp. Put a terminal over 87 so there is no love terminal exposed

jmma, Sep 15, 10:57am
Be better to have the love terminal exposed Lol :o)

ianalice1, Sep 15, 11:12am
What type relay is that?

bigfatmat1, Sep 15, 11:13am
12v changeover

dublo, Sep 15, 12:20pm
Save your money, just turn your headlights on!

wind.turbine, Sep 15, 1:06pm
Actually wrong there,
It says :DRL should turn off when main headlights are turned on so technically you can still have park/position lights going as well with the LEDs going.
This is the way I would wire it as I do a lot of towing so can have lights going to the trailer on parkers with the LEDs running

budgel, Sep 15, 4:42pm
Yeah, the live feed can be from the windscreen wiper positive and a normally closed relay can be fitted to break the circuit when the headlights are turned on.

ianalice1, Sep 16, 4:29am
Got you.
Thanks for all the info.

bigfatmat1, Sep 16, 10:01am
actually not wrong. Have wired literally hundreds of drl have I ever had to rewire some cause they were wrong. No. However have had to take them.off headlight feeds into parks on several trucks because they failed cof

hamishcookie, Sep 16, 11:29am
Yeah we had a truck fail due to the separate park light switch being on so the running lights and park lights were on at the same time, turned the switch off and no problem cof passed.

clark20, Sep 16, 12:36pm
Are you serious? Hella ones are made here and only $140 (and include the relay)

wind.turbine, Sep 16, 1:19pm
odd unless the rules are different for COF as it does clearly state they must only turn off when main headlights are turned on to pass a WOF

tlng, Sep 16, 1:36pm
I just wired mine between the 12V on ignition and the positive side of my park lights. No relay. The unlit park light acts as a low resistive path to the negative (zero volts). As soon as the lights are on, the positive side of the park lights go to 12V and the DRLs stop running.
Don't need a relay.