Led daytime lights

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ianalice1, Sep 16, 3:07pm
Say that again?
The LED lights have red, positive & black ground.
So how did you wire them?

tlng, Sep 16, 5:55pm
Red to the ignition feed (anything that has 12V when the key is on).
Black to the positive side of the park lights.

tlng, Sep 16, 5:57pm
It works because the park lights positive side have a really low resistance to ground when off via the bulb filament.

wind.turbine, Sep 17, 8:45am
yea it would work as long as the bulb does not blow then you lose your earth

ianalice1, Sep 18, 3:09am
Will this work with LED bulbs?

wind.turbine, Sep 18, 3:51am
it could likely making the LED run if you are drawing power through it, it really depends how it works though, if the led, which usually can a transformer, has a diode in it, it may not pass the negative feed through it to the DRL

sr2, Sep 18, 4:22am
A 12v led array with a transformer?

wind.turbine, Sep 18, 6:48am
I am meaning an LED park lamp which I assume the other poster was meaning

sr2, Sep 18, 8:16am
A 12v LED park lamp needing a transformer?

ianalice1, Sep 18, 8:35am
Yes thats right.Was talking to my BIL who lives way up north & he was saying his car lights blow a lot.
He on really bad road and thinks that blowing them.
I told him about replacement LED, but said not headlights.
That right, about headlights?

lookoutas, Sep 18, 1:27pm
That's how an old Sparkie mate told me to do it.

neell, Sep 18, 6:12pm
Why on Earth would you want lights on during the day?

wind.turbine, Sep 19, 1:12am
it really depends how the particular LED is designed.
even if no transformer, it could very likely run when put in series with the DRLs.
another problem that may happen if if you supply a feed from the DRL onto the 12V side of the park light, again depending on the car, could start to try and supply 12V to other lights inc dash lights, in this case a diode would need to be installed to stop it back feeding.

sr2, Sep 19, 4:54am
A transformer that works with DC?

lookoutas, Jan 13, 2:42am
To make sure some silly bastard see's you before you disappear behind his extra large A pillar. Today.

I bloody near cut his water off. Was right in the blind spot!
As there's enough room at this intersection, I always create a right lane on the end of the turning lane, just in case.
There was another possibility that he could have been going like stink, and wasn't even in view when I pulled out. First I knew about it was seeing him shoot up the inside in the LH mirror. Yeah - he could have been honking it.