Toyota rulez

johotech, Oct 18, 1:51pm

intrade, Oct 18, 2:22pm
in your dreams lol

strobo, Oct 18, 2:26pm
Pull the carpet ,a good hose down with fresh water and a dehumidifier left in it for a week or 2 parked in the sun . descounge it ,filters etc Then douse it with wd40 all over the electrical and wiring / All good to go.

a.woodrow, Oct 18, 2:35pm
Straight onto trademe, $1 reserve

johotech, Oct 18, 3:03pm
Nah, it'll be down to Turners won't it?

richardmayes, Dec 20, 4:56am
This story has so many of my favourite elements of this type of story:

1) A bunch of old guys sitting there watching the aftermath with grins on their faces;

2) The ugliest little old tractor you've ever seen has no trouble pulling the stuck 4x4 out;

3) Fred Dagg's nephew telling us about how he puts his boat in there all the time, and everyone and his dog knows you always avoid the soft bit where those hoons got stuck.