Looking to purchase a washer to use for the car and light cleaning around the house. This Ryobi unit looks to be a good price with reasonable pressure and a 4 year warranty. https://www.bunnings.co.nz/ryobi-1800w-2000psi-water-blaster_p06210700 I have owned a couple of Ryobi tools in the past and they seemed ok for home handyman type applications. Anyone have an opinion or a comment? Thanks
Sep 7, 1:29pm
The important question is litres per minute. most of those light units just don't shift enough water. But for home use -just fine. First point, Be super careful with the hose--they hole fairly easily if kinked. second. Make sure you turn the water on first and off last.
Sep 7, 1:44pm
I am looking at a water blaster for use around here. House with a very high pitched roof, concrete areas, wooden fencing and two concrete water tanks. The nice man at Mitre 10 recommended getting a model that had a stainless water tank not a plastic one.
Sep 7, 2:48pm
Water on first and off last a good tip. Have a Kerrick unit here in bits at the moment. Been run dry and it's destroyed the valves in the valve body
Sep 7, 2:54pm
4 year warranty is good, been through a couple of karchers, only a year warranty. Won't go back to them. Keep your receipt. They mostly all use plastic impellars which break, and the on offswitches will crap out. The water on off is great advise too.
Sep 7, 3:03pm
Of the cheaper electric units, Nilfisk is by far the best. They have a proper pump in them and last far longer than any Karcher. I am not aware of any similarly priced unit with a decent quality pump, but they might exist. If you are not familiar with Nilfisk, they are the ones that make the Tellus and other decent quality vacuum cleaners. They make great stuff for a very reasonable price.
Regardless of what one you get, throw away the silly non adjustable foam gun they come with and buy a decent brass adjustable one on ebay (about $25).
My personal setup is a Nilfisk C130 with a brass foam cannon and XT88.
If you wash your car regularly enough and it's well polished you don't even need to scrub it. I am a bit infrequent with washing though so unless it's a quick tidy up I foam as a pre wash and then use the 2 bucket method.
XT88 lasts forever at 15 - 30 ml per foam canon full. So your washes cost next to nothing.
Hope that helps.
Sep 7, 3:05pm
BTW, without a proper foam gun XT88 is a waste of time.
Sep 7, 3:15pm
I bought an orange Italian unit (name eludes me right now) few years back from M10 and it has done a lot of work and been faultless. Was not badly priced either. No plastic impeller thingies in it.
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