Anybody else having any problems when clicking the "advanced search" button when searching for cars? When I click it, it just relo9ads the current page. Can't search for manual/auto, dealer/private etc like you used to be able to.
Aug 2, 1:34pm
Had it happen at times, usually close browser and start again seems to fix it.
Aug 2, 1:45pm
How odd, when I click that link Mr seadubya, it works, but when Iry to to it myself manually, it doesn't. Thanks for that, now I know the problem is on my side!
Aug 2, 1:50pm
Popup blocker? do you need to whitelist site perhaps
Aug 2, 2:10pm
How come , if I 'copy' something from a TM page and paste it into the search box, it sometimes comes back with no result. I took if from a page , so its defiantly there for crying out loud!
Nov 5, 4:18pm
Does Anyone Know How To Search A Price Range And Then Closing Soon As When I Try I Get Mixed Prices
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