EVs will be cheaper than combustion cars by 2027

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apollo11, May 25, 1:43pm
But will our virtue signalling superiors tax ev's fairly, or will they lump evil fossil car drivers with more taxes?

keytag, May 25, 1:46pm
To quote from the article:

“ EVs generally have lower lifetime costs than combustion vehicles, as they require no fuel and electricity is cheaper than petrol or diesel.”

Oh… and they ride for free, they pay nothing towards their share of road wear and tear taxes.

keytag, May 25, 2:05pm
An interesting situation at a hospital.

Property Management has been tasked with installing over a dozen EV charging points to virtue signal their compliance, budget cost due to huge cable upgrades is around $250k, $125k subsidy (tax payer) and $125k has to be found from their existing budget by cutting other property expenses.

Ask any DHB property manager if they were made to cut $125k from their budget , then spend $250k on EV parking is like a top priority, you know well above spending on damp control, plumbing, security etc.

Anyway for optimum virtue signaling they are being ‘encouraged’ to put them in high profile and existing prime staff parking positions, they ones with very short walks to the main buildings.

In reality only wealthy people can afford a decent EV, so now the cooks, cleaners, attendants, nurses etc who use to arrive early in their ICE’s, typically in the dark and could use the closer safer parks are now being pushed out so the doctors, consultants, surgeons, et al with their $150k Tesla get the prime parks.

And as you can imagine not every EV park is used 24x7, so day and night many of the closest and safest parks are going to be empty.

s_nz, May 25, 4:41pm
Best practice with EV charging stations is to put them in the low desirability parking spaces. Dramatically reduces issues with them being occupied by non EV's (and EV's that don't need to charge).

Sadly the often get put in prime spaces either for the carpark owner to advertise that they are eco friendly, or to minimize the cost of wiring run.

Really the government needs to specifically grant money to the likes of the Health / Education if they want them to run EV fleet cars. The upfront costs are substantial, and both of those sectors run really tight budgets.

framtech, May 25, 5:35pm
The world won't have the copper, lithium, cobalt to make this greenie dream real, not to talk about power generation, plastics for solar farms (which is made from oil) and wiring to homes for charging
2027 is only 6 years away, try 2047 and only a few will have, not the world.
Winters coming and oil will be in hot demand for years to come.
The EV put in stewart island by DOC is a prime example of how far greenies and bureaucrats have their collective heads up their bums.

tegretol, May 25, 5:48pm
Agree. It's all sales BS written by financiers and people with vested interests. Interestingly, none of those reports by claimed experts make any mention of the environmental costs of dealing with the dead batteries - they assume that there will be a solution by 2029 or whatever. But then the world is full of idiots who believe whatever they read on the media.

bryshaw, May 26, 12:47pm
Electricity will be 50% dearer by 2027.

richardmayes, May 26, 1:03pm
He's probably right. There are historical precedents.

I've got a clipping of the old 1970 Motor mag review of my 1971 Triumph 2.5PI in the scrapbook somewhere.
The reviewer was very supportive, and he said that after driving the Triumph it was obvious to him that fuel injection would someday be universal, "on all but the very cheapest of cars".

He was right, the last carb engined new cars disappeared at the end of the 1980s, so about 15-20 years after the Triumph brought in the first mass-produced injected engine that many markets had seen.

(But the technology went through a few changes, and 1990s throttle body EFI that eventually took over the world was a much better system than the Lucas mechanical injection that kicked it off. )

This happened even though, just like 1st generation electric cars, first generation injected Triumphs got a reputation for spontaneously catching fire at the side of the road.

I've got no doubt that electric cars will be exactly the same. I love the sound and feel of driving, but a lot of the sound and feel is what cooler heads would just call noise and vibration.

Electric motors just seem like a better system than reciprocating piston engines where many of the working parts are either immersed in fire, or flooded with solvents, or "lubricated" with oil that is contaminated with combustion products. Sooner or later those cooler heads are bound to prevail.

gunhand, May 26, 1:48pm
Of course it wont be, geez, do you think that once everyone has to depend on electricity for heating cooking, their cars to run etc etc etc that the suppliers will hike the price? of course they won't, they are not like that. They will make it cheap as chips so everyone can enjoy it with out worrying.
OOOORRRR, they will hike the price to hell, And what the golly gosh is the consumer going to do about it once they can not do with out it. ummm, nothin at all but moan.

apollo11, May 26, 2:16pm
The only caveat with that is that as power prices climb, solar panels make more sense. That's assuming government don't whip out a tax on sunlight, wouldn't put it past them.

tegretol, May 26, 4:04pm
The lines companies want the right to levy a charge on power generated so that they can continue maintainng the grid. Who else would pay?

harm_less, May 26, 4:34pm
Nigh on impossible to prove how much electricity a domestic PV installation generates if the owner consumes much (most?) of it themselves.

What we're discussing here is what has been called the (power) Utility Death Spiral. https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/this-is-what-the-utility-death-spiral-looks-like

tegretol, May 26, 6:50pm
Not impossible at all if the Socialist government supports the idea and all solar systems require a sealed smart-meter to be installed.

tygertung, May 27, 3:15am
That article is pretty old, from 2014.

gunna-1, May 27, 3:19am
I bet the replacement batteries wont be cheaper, and the rolling power cuts, bring it on, cars are boring as now anyway.

gunna-1, May 27, 3:22am
Just imagen if riots break out, town will be lit up by roaring big fires and belching black smoke with all the burning ev,s.

harm_less, May 27, 3:29am
Just go off-grid, just as the article I linked to was suggesting would happen.

harm_less, May 27, 3:35am
Yes, the situation was already being recognised back then and is still as pertinent now.

houseofdad, May 27, 3:45am
It's worked out from current data, this post shows the intelligence of those against EV's. I don't know why pro EV folk even bother debating with these simpletons.

apollo11, May 27, 4:09am
Weird comment. Petrol cars also burn pretty well. And who is to say future batteries in ev's will have organic solvents in them? That's one of the things they are trying to engineer out.

alowishes, May 27, 4:12am
And IF EVs ever get charge RUC will it be at the same level as current diesel RUC?

Or will the government continue to favour the EVs just because (apparently) less pollution related to EVs?

Is so how will roads be built/maintained?

tegretol, May 27, 4:41am
Yeah but how will that that stop the socialists from requiring you to provide power returns for levy calculations?

remmers, May 27, 4:54am
Who are "the socialists" that you refer to?

bill-robinson, May 27, 5:07am
another 'we are right, you do not know anything, genius running off at the mouth again'.

harm_less, May 27, 5:19am
Do you also lose sleep worrying about them taxing the veges from your garden?