Nah, there’ll never be driverless cars!

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harm_less, May 7, 2:40pm
Living in the past, again

elect70, May 8, 11:21am
Race bikes already use GPS for each track to control the suspension & braking on circuit .I read were it died in moto Gp & top rider came last as couldnt get it to handle without the GPS .working .So perhaps we will see m bikes with riderless control ?

apollo11, May 8, 1:14pm
We won't. There would be no point to riding if that were to happen.

bitsnpieces2020, May 8, 1:37pm
China has a very different approach to driverless cars, than say tesla.
The entire country is measured & mapped down to the cm. Cars communicate to a central district datacenter.
It's more like waymo. As in it can deliver in the real world.

Not in some sci fi fantasy land that Elon Musk and his fanboys insists can be achieved.

bitsnpieces2020, May 8, 1:39pm
driverless racing probably has some novelty value.

gamefisher, May 8, 4:31pm
Computers(Phones are computer) were a novelty 25years ago now look at the situation so driverless/autonomous will definitely be here imho.

807, May 9, 5:16pm
Limited to 60 kph . it's a start I suppose ?

807, May 9, 5:18pm
I'm talking about driverless cars on the roads, not shuttles on airports, etc.

loud_37, May 9, 6:25pm
I have PC's and Phones that do strange things every now and then need to be restarted, hope this isn't the case at 100km/h. Also the stereo with car play freezes sometimes, and all this is basic stuff compared to driverless cars.

bill-robinson, May 10, 10:15am
i thought we had that with fomula e

scuba, May 10, 11:28am
It will work if they use lanes as they do with commuter lanes and bus lanes . especially if councils and govt start building or converting infrastructure around it as they are with cycle lanes. I can see a passenger carrying industry being built around it similar to the scooters we see now.

ronaldo8, May 10, 6:58pm
That's because your computer and phone are cheap commodity items built down to a price point. Not up to any functional and/or safety standards, apart from a couple of elements of the charging system, such as is required for a manufacturer of vehicles for instance to pass compliance and bring something to market, at massive risk should something go wrong or be found to be below standard.

I.E. No one gives a shit if your phone shits itself , it doesn't have an international regulatory framework or any guaranteed uptime.

loud_37, May 10, 8:21pm
Most of these cars are built to a price, and I have no faith in regulatory bodies.

tygertung, May 10, 8:29pm
Regulatory bodies work reasonably well for aviation. Aircraft have been completely computer controlled for 30+ years now. The human input just tells it what to do. It can actually do the whole flight by itself you know, and the computer system doing the job doesn't crash.

ronaldo8, May 10, 8:32pm
The point is, your comparison to you phone and stereo is off as they have no standards at all.

And lets not forget, your vehicle already has a computer in it, unless you are still running points. A computer that works every time you turn the key on, one of the most reliable parts in any modern car that in 99.99% of cases will last the entire lifetime of the vehicle.

ronaldo8, May 10, 8:45pm
A couple of tiedowns from the warehouse would be the go to replace any seatbelts that may need replacing and maybe a set of tyres with no speed or load ratings seeing as you have no faith in regulatory bodies.

She'll be right. Very believable.

tlng, May 10, 9:18pm
Well I guess if there are driverless rockets randomly crashing to earth, driverless cars must be easy.

bill-robinson, May 11, 8:22am
we do not see many planes fallng from the sky do we?

bill-robinson, May 11, 9:56am
another thing about flying, there is a lot less to bum into in the sky.

apollo11, May 11, 10:22am
'bum into'. Whatever turns you on, bill.

bill-robinson, May 11, 10:27am
lol. let you put the 'P' were it belongs,if your aim is good enough.

intrade, May 11, 10:34am
I see the usual suspects are at it, this is a test.

apollo11, May 11, 10:44am
Lol. You'd better sit down for this one, old timer.

tygertung, May 11, 2:37pm
No, very few.

intrade, May 11, 6:49pm