Worst drivers and the cars they drive

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boatman88, Dec 6, 12:40am
Inside lane', what's a 'inside lane'?
An "on ramp"or "off ramp" on the motorway or a separate turning lane for left or right which is darted into raced up the push back into traffic. Another classic audi move is using the "truck or +2" on ramps with only one person in car.

rainrain1, Dec 6, 1:32am
Phew, that let's me off the hook!

mrfxit, Dec 6, 1:48am
LOL, yea but if you can afford to own & drive a Porsche, you should be able to afford new tyres on a regular basis

mk3crazy, Dec 6, 7:21am
Truck and bus drivers they don’t care about people in cars 🚙 it’s ether you get out of their way or get hit and that’s happened to me.

wind.turbine, Dec 6, 7:49am
most truck drivers are ok, there are the odd crap ones but I agree after going in several long haul bus rides down the country in my younger years the bus drivers are highly arrogant, you better hope your not in the way if they are running behind!

marte, Dec 6, 8:12am
Quote Wiki { Note: In British English the meanings of inside and outside lanes are the reverse of US English. So in Britain, overtaking is performed using the outside lane, in the US it is termed the inside lane. In both cases, it is the innermost lane of the roadway."}

In NewZealand we don't use the terms 'Inside & outside lanes'.
We drive on the left side of the road & if there's more than one lane, we drive in the left lane, we can overtake in the right hand lane momentarily, with conditions.
And we can overtake in the left hand lane because those cars that are in the right hand lane are turning right, not going ahead.
So when you come up to a stop sign or red light & there's two lanes forwards & nobody there, and you are driving forwards, you get into the left hand lane & drive forwards once it's clear or the lights gone green.
You don't get into the right hand lane, then try & overtake as you cross the road unless it's a two lane road on both sides of the intersection on the left hand side of the centreline.
The Nzta websites down for maintenance but here's a photo of the cover of the road code 2016/7.https://encrypted-tbn0.-
I will post the image of what happens when a car sits in the right hand lane expecting to drive forwards only to find the car in front is turning right & has to give way to oncoming traffic, later on.

marte, Dec 6, 8:46am
Passing on the left
You can only pass on the left when:

there are two or more lanes on your side of the centre line and you are able to pass safely by using the left-hand lane
you are directed to by a police officer
the vehicle you are passing:
has stopped, or
is signalling a right turn, or
is turning right

https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/general-road-code/road-code/about-driving/key-driving-skills/passing/ Don't be this idiot. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/assets/resources/roadcode/gfx/changing-lanes-at-intersect.jpg

gunna-1, Dec 6, 8:58am
You often here about truckies bleating about bad drivers, but what really pissed me off was when they were worried about people with cannabis in there system behind the wheel and someone gives the police more sweeping powers before the failed cannabis bill had a chance to get voted on, yet you had truckies being forced to drive over there hours by there bosses i remember in 2013 ish and back around 2008 there was talk of truckies takeing meth to stay awake behind the wheel, probably only some bad eggs amongst them at the time, but for the cannabis thing not long ago, the next time a truckie is on tv calling someone a muppet for some perceived slight, i think i,le change the chanell, or leave the room, woops havent owned a tv since 2008, so many cop programs and ego,s running wild on the tv.

ronaldo8, Dec 8, 1:44pm
Or dog rolls as I call them, horse meat wrapped in plastic.

ronaldo8, Dec 8, 1:49pm
It's bizarre to me that so many car drivers have absolutely no idea about the motion dynamics of a large heavy vehicle, IE that they can't accelerate and DECELERATE in the same way that a car can. I'm always seeing some munter for instance duck infront of a truck then slow down only to have a little freak out when the truck rear ends them.

Basic ignorance, asleep during high school science.

tweake, Dec 8, 2:17pm
same can be said for many truck drivers.
most tailgate, fail to leave enough room, yet winge that they can't stop.
"pushing cars along" "we can't stop so you have to drive faster to keep ahead of us"

nice_lady, Dec 8, 2:22pm
Yeah any vehicle tailgating is bad but a bus or truck monstering you from a foot off your bumper is NOT good. And too damn common.

gpg58, Dec 8, 2:27pm
Another vote for ranger drivers, and i will add, anyone with religion stickers on there vehicle (example - "one way Jesus").

gph1961, Dec 8, 2:55pm
who is that mexican chap?

blueviking, Dec 9, 12:35am
I thought you could only own an Audi if your 1st name was Richard?

boatman88, Dec 9, 11:10am
I thought you could only own an Audi if your 1st name was Richard?

So true! Not taring them all with the same brush. but I am fascinated to know why that brand attracts a large % of them.

peacebird15, Dec 9, 6:51pm
Audis, hands down the champs for me, had to brake for 2 of them who thought audi was german for "will make it in time" on my way home, slippery roads, few ton in the truck and towing.

Audi get a license? Audi live this long when he drives like a twat?

trogedon, Dec 14, 6:18am
BS and those stickers went out in the '70s when you should've got new glasses.

ronaldo8, Dec 14, 7:13pm
Is that when you peeled your one off troggy?
I see them all over the place, the silly little fish stickers, owned by silly little fish.


Praise the lord and pass the collection plate.

dbolton, Dec 15, 1:56am
At least us old guys are not included in the criticisms. That makes a change.
Hang on a bit I am sure they will surface

3tomany, Dec 15, 2:51am
Problem with many Ranger drivers is they used to drive a Holden or Toyota so picked up a bit of attitude. Don't worry they will come right with time.
I had a religious aunty that said a prayer before every journey, if you ever had i ride with her you never stopped praying yourself until you got out of the car.

pattym1, Dec 15, 5:45am
Anyone driving a giant Toyota Surf or similar with river crossing snorkel going way too fast on flooded roads - overtaking like a twat and sending up a bow wave. ass hats.

gunna-1, Dec 16, 12:24pm
I saw one of those toyota surfs getting a flogging today, dont think they were built to take road corners like a race car, never mind, they will learn how gravity works one day.

yz490, Feb 16, 5:39am
Did ya see that multiple crash in the icy conditions on a us motorway a day or two ago. Not sure where i saw it--tv news--or stuff video probably. Holy hell what a mess with big truck or trucks, just seem to keep coming.

2sheddies, Feb 16, 10:32am
Braking suddenly in front of somebody up your arse is a real risky endeavour, and a bit of a f***tard move to be fair. One day you'll do it, that rooster behind will take you out and you'll end up in a world of pain with a written off car and some hard explaining to do when you get home to the wife. Is it really worth that? We all like to puff our chests out on occasion, but the road isn't the place for it. Just pull over and let them past. They have their little victory, you and your car are in one piece, they're way in the distance and somebody else's problem now. Smart arsery on the road is bound to backfire on you one day.