Long live the internal combustion engine.

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tgray, Jun 17, 5:11am
OK, Im 50+ and know the world is going electric with most car manufacturers committed to fazing out ICE over the next 15-20 years, but I'll stick with burning fossil fuels, thanks.
Love my Chevy's and won't be changing any time soon.
There is nothing like driving a manual 6.2L V8 car with a growling exhaust. You can have your green, quiet, PC correct, earth friendly, electric, zero carbon emission cars - I'll stick with old school fun, cheers.

kiwilandchch, Jun 17, 5:35am
Soundracer gadget makes a Tesla sound like a Shelby V8 (or whatever else

but like you im planning on sticking to my petrol driven car.
Dont like being pressured into changing things I like doing or having.

ascotbks, Jun 17, 5:38am
still going to need a diesel burning truck to rescue evs that have flat batteries in fact maybe a good career option is to be a towie

amasser, Jun 17, 5:39am
Explain that to your grand-children, if you can.

cjohnw, Jun 17, 5:43am
Still cannot understand the point of someone who vows and declares they never exceed 100kmph driving a 6.2L V8?
Tui right there.

loose.unit8, Jun 17, 5:47am
Why not an EV truck? Won't be long before they will come out.

But people shouldn't be silly and running out of range in their EVs anyway.

bill-robinson, Jun 17, 5:50am
people are stupid. see if you can work out why etrucks will not work. if you cannot see the first sentence.

alowishes, Jun 17, 6:05am
I await the appearance of all the electric cargo ships on the scene - you know, the ones needed to ship all the exports that NZ depends on.

bill-robinson, Jun 17, 7:35am
and eplanes that can carry 400 people and cross the pacific without stopping

tgray, Jun 17, 10:59am
Who does that?
Personally, I find it fun getting to that speed as fast as I can, but rarely go over it.

nice_lady, Jun 17, 11:14am
It's not the high speed that's the fun. It's the ability to, for instance, travel over hills like the Kaimais without the hill being the reason for slowing down at any time ;-).

One might indeed slow for corners. Hubby will tell you his V8's used to slow for hills - but only because he tapped the brakesđź‘Ť

desmodave, Jun 17, 12:29pm
Is it just me , or is there quite a few classic motorcycles being advertised for sale at the mo . Are owners bailing out because EV's , some nice bikes out there .

gubay, Jun 17, 1:36pm
EVs will drive past us queuing up for petrol less than we'll be driving past them plugged into a charge point.

ascotbks, Jun 17, 1:40pm
your right there. most will be at home trying to get charged up or stopped on roadside waiting for help

poppy62, Jun 17, 4:04pm
I have to ask! How many EVs have you seen stopped on the roadside waiting for help? I see lots of ICE cars stopped on the roadside waiting for help.

cjohnw, Jun 17, 4:15pm
Kiwis are pretty accommodating. If an EV driver was needing a charge up most of us would gladly offer access to a power point for an hour or two.
But would we be able to overhaul a gearbox or fix a broken cam belt?

alowishes, Jun 17, 4:37pm
What’s the ratio of EVs to ICE vehicles?

houseofdad, Jun 18, 3:38am
You had me until PC correct.

A Tesla Plaid IMV would be way more fun than your gen 3, why wouldn't it be it's twice as fast ? I don't care about sound you get used to that after a while.
Way more torque of the Tesla equals way more pinning back in the seat.

:The Model S Plaid features Tesla's first-ever triple-motor system, producing a staggering 1,020 horsepower and 1,050 lb-ft of torque.

Your gen 3 figures look laughable ridiculous in comparison.

cjohnw, Jun 18, 3:39am
Reminds me of the Polynesian lady they interviewed on the streets of Otahuhu before the last election and said she was voting for Jacinda (not Labour) because: “she has nice hair”.
When people vote like that no wonder we have the mess we do!

likit, Jun 18, 4:01am

tgray, Jun 18, 4:01am
I don't have and have never owned a gen 3.
Recently sold my 2019 C7 Corvette and now own a 2021 Camaro 1LE (both manuals).

bill-robinson, Jun 18, 4:18am
pinning back in the seat is your thing then? just run full tilt into a wall one a week, same thing no vehicle involved.

nice_lady, Jun 18, 4:25am
Since EV's only make up half a percent of the on road vehicles then if you see 200 ICE's on the roadside wating for help then you should see 1 EV.

So that might explain why you haven't seen any - Yet.

mrfxit, Jun 18, 4:41am
Share volumes of ICE cars compared to EV.

houseofdad, Jun 18, 6:01am
You referenced 6.2L aka gen 3 Chevy, whatever it doesn't matter, even supercharged ICE you're still driving a boat anchor these days.