Long live the internal combustion engine.

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houseofdad, Jun 18, 6:04am
Guess I'll have to run backwards.

tygertung, Jun 18, 6:30am
Bring back the golden days of airships!

mcfc11, Jun 18, 6:39am
Well you won't be driving a Tesla Plaid for a long time!

bill-robinson, Jun 18, 7:53am
that is the way drive in your ev i hope?

bill-robinson, Jun 18, 7:55am
all that fuel to move 50 people, still if they were electric they could harness lightening i guess.

apollo11, Jun 18, 8:28am
Winter? Aging riders?

tony9, Jun 18, 2:17pm
In the last 18 months on SH1 north of Christchurch - about 4. For a long time it was unusual to see a car apparently broken down, then started to see them and realised they were mainly leaves or other EVs. Local country garage said EVs are good, rescuing keeps him in beer.

Mind you ICEs used to commonly break down, up to 30 or 40 years ago.

tony9, Jun 18, 2:20pm
Tow the boat some distance to the launching ramp, put it in the water and I know the vehicle more likely to end up as an anchor!

houseofdad, Jun 19, 3:03pm
Your definition of a long time and mine is somewhat different.

houseofdad, Jun 19, 3:04pm
Would match your backward thinking.

houseofdad, Jun 19, 3:08pm
You're such a doom and gloomer and talk utter nonsense!

You might want to check your water supply, used to make sense when you lived in the Rolleston area but since moving to the Amberley area your brain has been eaten away by something.

tgray, Jun 19, 3:09pm
No I didn't.

houseofdad, Jun 19, 3:22pm
Look at your original post, who cares if the 6.2L you referenced is a gen 3 chev or something else, ICE V8's had their day. There is a new kid on the block get used to it!

framtech, Jun 19, 3:35pm
We have a hindenburg, its the current government, full of gas and due to crash

tygertung, Jun 19, 4:18pm
If the Hindenburg was built today with modern materials and technology, it wouldn't have blown up.

sr2, Jun 19, 4:18pm
Woops. does that mean the MPI 350 with the Bravo 3 leg in my new boat is already an anachronism?

Help - theses PC Millennial snowflakes might finally be getting to me (I'm to afraid to even mention the LS in the latest racecar!).

houseofdad, Jun 20, 6:52am
At around 300 horsepower it's an anchor for a boat anchor.

I'm no millennial but no doubt many millennials could teach you a thing or two like respect for women.

sr2, Jun 20, 6:58am
LOL; I thought I had a lot of respect for women - every home should have one!

yz490, Jun 20, 8:39am
Maybe all long distant EV's should be compulsory to tow a trailer with a generator topping up the battery as you go--yeah that's a good idea, for the environment.

tegretol, Jun 20, 11:03am
A strange argument. One relates to running out of fuel, the other relates to mechanically breaking down. Apples & Pears.

houseofdad, Jun 20, 3:11pm
You thought wrong.

apollo11, Jun 20, 3:16pm
Bollocks. Why do you think modern airships use helium? And still likely useless in a windy country like NZ.

sr2, Jun 20, 3:20pm
Always found them quite handy to have around the house?
(And the boat ramp if they can back a trailer & fillet fish).

tygertung, Jun 20, 4:36pm
There is less likely to be leaks from the gas bags with modern materials.

It was the flammable envelope which caused the issue on the Hindenburg. The gas bags don't just burn or explode as there is no oxygen in there. Same as how fuel tanks don't keep exploding in cars all the time.

https://news.umanitoba.ca/financial-post-forget-the-hindenburg/ https://www.quora.com/Are-hydrogen-airships-safe-with-modern-techology-If-yes-are-they-still-unpopular-because-of-the-Hidenburg-disaster-or-are-there-other-reasons-as-well

Hydrogen is much cheaper and easier to get. I suggest we use that.

alowishes, Jun 20, 5:22pm
Impressive figures but at what $$ cost.?