Actually Hydrogen is looking very good !

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tygertung, Jun 25, 7:05am
Hydrogen is looking very good. as a lifting gas for airships!

intrade, Jun 25, 9:07am
There was a good docu about the titanic and the hindenburg airship just some days ago. Also when your 12 vold lead acid battery explodes after charge thats also hydrogen gas. LPG sinks and is one of the savest gas solong as you dont have a leak on a jacht there hydrogen would be better.

marte, Jun 25, 2:12pm
We had a battery that was being charged explode when somebody was welding close to it once, since when its charging it emits Hydrogen gas.

S--7 flew twice about that one. The batterys were not supposed to be being charged while the boat was ' on the slip'.

Unless theres a specific reason for hydrogen powered cars, like for some reason theres a extremely cheap method of generating electricity to generate it. Or a source of Hydrogen, like from underground, then i dont think theres a real reason for Hydrogen cars.
The extra steps involved make it less effective since the weight of the setup is the same & you might as well just directly charge the cars batterys rather than use the same electricity to make Hydrogen, then put it into the car, and then reconvert it back into electricity to run the car.
Might as well make Aluminium & convert it to Hydrogen, then electricity, to power the motors. ( Or sodium, or lithium. )

It would work for boats though, container ships etc. Not so sure about Aeroplanes.

nice_lady, Jun 25, 2:20pm
Hmm. looks like theres some hope here for Hydrogen despite the detractors, (who seem to know better than some countries and major industries ?).

apollo11, Jun 25, 2:40pm
Lol. Sorry to be a doubter. This is an interesting vid on fuel cells, pros and cons. They mention the Bloom cell, which is a fuel cell that runs directly on natural gas.

ronaldo8, Jun 25, 3:59pm
Can you provide a link to any of that please.

ronaldo8, Jun 25, 4:02pm
About 30% efficient as opposed to 90% just using the electricity directly.
It's useful as backup energy generation in static installations where the cost doesn't matter so much because you are prepared to pay through the nose to have constancy of supply.

On demand production is interesting yes.
I did some work on such a aluminium hydrogen reactor once upon a time as it happens ;) Solid electricity, the trick is in the al oxide. The US navy use that particular system and have several patents on it.

apollo11, Jun 25, 5:46pm
I saw that Tesla were doing a bit of research with aluminium air batteries, Ronnie. Not rechargeable as such, but 25kg of aluminium is good for 1000km of range, so they might have had a replaceable module (range extender) that you would use up and then the aluminium oxide could be recycled to make a new battery. I think the re-smelting process uses ten times as much electricity as you can get out of the new battery, so not very efficient.

apollo11, Jun 25, 6:32pm
Another vid , planes buses and ships?

ronaldo8, Jun 25, 7:19pm
Correct, two main problems, 1/ getting the oxide out of the way once its ripped the oxygen off the molecule and 2/ the cost of recycling it. Aluminium is like solid electricity in that regard.

I may yet crack it, not dead yet. ;)

apollo11, Jun 25, 7:48pm
We could finally get a decent power source for exo-suits!

elect70, Jun 25, 8:04pm
Ok if you have an abundace of electricty to extract & liquify hydrogen . Would make sense when the smelter goes & there is a huge surplus of power doing nothing & useless putting it into the grid NI needs the power . Land based lithium deposits wont last long once EV
production hits same as ICE & the countrys that have it arent all that stable then they have to start mining the sea at huge cost & that takes lot of energy . Dont put all eggs in 1 basket

nice_lady, Jun 26, 1:04am
"Dont put all eggs in 1 basket" 👍

marte, Jun 26, 3:00pm
We could build a new Aluminium smelter to make the Aluminium for the Aluminium batterys using the excess electricity we get from shutting down the Aluminium smelter.
Great idea huh?

marte, Jun 26, 3:02pm
I wondered about using lightning to make Hydrogen. Its possible.
But one lightning strike has less power than a 44 gallon drum of Petrol, so not really.

ronaldo8, Jun 26, 3:02pm
haha yeah thats it!
Onward to glorious victory

ronaldo8, Jun 26, 3:05pm
Now that I would pay to see.
from behind a blast wall at a sufficiently ample distance.

light blue touch paper, stand well clear.

loud_37, Jun 26, 3:24pm
Toyota's Developing A Hydrogen Combustion Engine!

nice_lady, Jun 26, 3:57pm
That's what I said in my OP.
Check the link I posted.
The detractors keep saying how hard it is to extract hydrogen, how hard it is to store, etc, etc. But technology marches on. And with enough need and encouragement these obstacles will shrink.

loud_37, Jun 26, 4:02pm
Yeah, so if you watched it, its not really viable.

nice_lady, Jun 26, 4:12pm
Tech keeps on improving. And andv there seem to be many good reasons for them to push the hydrogen bubble.

ronaldo8, Jun 26, 4:12pm
Heh I was waiting for that, watched that one when he first posted it.

ronaldo8, Jun 26, 4:19pm
Very brave new world. No, not everything is possible, Physics doesn't give a rats arse about need and encouragement. Disagree ? then where is my 3 course dinner in a pill, my jet pack to get to work and my time machine?

Huh? where are they?

apollo11, Jun 26, 5:00pm
Instead of turning the natural gas into hydrogen (and losing half the energy) so that we can burn it, let's just burn the natural gas!

apollo11, Jun 26, 5:07pm