Toyota Prius

richard112, Aug 30, 1:43pm
I am from the extreme backblocks, but recently have been spending time in Ak as my wife is in hospital. This is doing my head in.I see occasional Toyota Prius on the motorway and need to know WHAT DOES THAT RED APPARENT WARNING LABEL BY THE BACK DOOR HANDLE SAY?
In danger of running off the road trying to read them. Am thinking "Don't enter under any circumstances."Or maybe " Vaping only while charging in progress? Someone must know. . Please.

jmma, Aug 30, 1:52pm
Probably the price for the Taxi fare :oP

sw20, Aug 30, 2:19pm
It says the rear doors can't open if the child lock is on. Dead giveaway the driver is an uber driver.

kazbanz, Aug 30, 2:24pm
It’s the legally required signage for taxi / Uber

richard112, Aug 30, 3:28pm
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Only ever seen it on Prius so thought it must be something to do with a peculiarity of the model. Like I said. From the back blocks.

kcf, Aug 30, 4:53pm
Or if you (as an uber driver) hate putting stickers on your paintwork, you disable the rear child locks :)

s_nz, Nov 27, 4:51pm
The gen 2 & 3 Prius is by far the most popular model of car to use for ride-hail services (uber / zoomy / ola), and second tier taxi companies. Their combination of low fuel cost, reasonable luggage space, passable passenger space, great reliability and low purchase cost as used imports from japan makes them the go to model for this duty. For the first few years Uber did not allow subcompact hatchbacks, so prius size was about the smallest allowed, the rules have since been relaxed and some smaller cars are in the fleet.

In the Auckland CBD and central suburbs much more than half of gen 2 & 3 Prius I see are set up for carrying paying passengers.

In addition to the kiddy lock warning sticker (required unless the child locks are removed / glued), the other obvious give away's are Multiple Rego sized labels on the windscreen (private Prius being a petrol car just has one), COF rather than WOF, Cargo barrier behind rear seats (often perspex), Phone (often more than one) in dash mount with a power wire attached & Driver ID card (normally covering the foreign language hybrid display screen in the Prius).

Other common models are Nissian Tidda sedan, Other toyota hybrids (Sai, Camry, aqua), Toyota Axio.