Hmmm. it is all nonsense in the end as the more sophisticated they all become the worse they have to become and so reliability of any of them is in the long run going to be short lived. It is not so bad for those who can afford to purchase new and sell on before the warranty expires. Sure depreciation to a greater or lesser extent will hurt but those whom it will hurt the most are those who rely on vehicles from the secondhand market. When the vehicle is mostly mechanical you can do far more tests to assess likely future reliability. However where you have a package or rather a car that is LOADED from bumper to bumper with every conceivable electronic form of assistance (for starters) then reliability becomes a joke or would that be a nightmare? You bebin to see exposed levels of selfishness in people who reply "I could not care less" as it won't be my problem as i will move it on before it becomes an endless money pit! This is the mentality that thrives in the soil of disposability and in many ways it is inevitable if you follow.
Nov 20, 2:08pm
Doesn't surprise me. I have preferred Mazda's over Toyota's since about 2005. Car dealer for 20 years.
Nov 20, 2:19pm
According to the same article
The 10 most reliable cars of 2021, according to Consumer Reports: Toyota/Lexus takes the top 2 spot. Anyway, this dataset is only for problems reported in the last 12 months. A new car with little problem in the first 12 months is hardly "reliable".
1. Toyota Prius 2. Lexus NX 3. Buick Encore 4. Lexus GX 5. Honda HR-V 6. Toyota Prius Prime 7. Hyundai Kona 8. Audi A5 9. Audi A4 10. Mazda CX-5
Nov 21, 4:01am
It kinda makes sense. Mazda had a massive shake up in the late 1990's and it seems to me that their cars mechanically are copies of Toyotas since about 2002. That kinda lines up when you think about it. Toyota introduced chain drive VVTi vehicles in 1999 so a couple of years to get it sorted and production rolling lines up with the first of the Mazda 2/ Demio DY series then a year later the mazda 3/Axela and Mazda 6 /atenza
Nov 21, 4:14am
Mazda is also relatively simple at the moment - there most of their engines are n/a and everything uses a normal 6 speed auto. No DSGs, no CVTs and no small capacity turbos.
Will be interesting to see how Skyactiv-X affects the picture - it's an impressive technology but enormously complicated.
Nov 21, 5:16am
2021? is this crystal ball gazing ? .My calendar still shows we are in 2020.!
Nov 21, 11:26am
vw went to 7 or 8 speed slush boxes from zf . darkside development said they are good . its why i only have 6 speed manual because all the auto stuff was trash, One will wonder if china will start to use the good stuff to become the new corollas of the 80s and 90s like LDV greatwall are definitely contenders to take cheapest most reliable car in the world in the next 10 years i know great-wall use little plastic garbage they use aluminium mostly for the engine= good chance to beat competition who use crumbling micro-plastics pollution corner cutting garbage.
Nov 21, 11:54am
Lexus have developed a 10 speed conventional slush box that will shift just as quick as a dual clutch when you have your foot up it.
you know that pretty much like my bora diesel its not about how fast it is its about the kick you get out of it . when it takes like 2 secounds to overtake a moron who drives 95 . and then they slow down cause they get my puff of smoke lol. that the real kick. basically the same in this Lexus video. lexus could be the brand who saves toyota . who knows.
Nov 21, 12:32pm
My 2001 Ford courier 2.5 turbo diesel- re badged Mazda. 280 000 km. In the five years I have owned it i have had to replace the alternator, suspension bushes and radiator. So not too bad.
Nov 21, 12:37pm
2005 is where it all goes to hell for euros sooner as there emisssion laws are way more strict. like our toyota yaris verso year 2000 its got mode 6. emission self check that is like 2010 or so fo jap exports +- definetly not on any funcargo=100% the same engine and car, but way more polluting emissions. ps: poluting emissions are invented by knotheads in california and thugs in zürich switzerland.
Nov 21, 12:43pm
i seen one i would say that possibly is a idi diesel. They dont meet euro 0 they are bolw that just like my 2000 istana mb140 with no egr garbage. EGR was already on citroen xantia clooging up the intake . i scareched my head as a kid as to WTF that was .
Nov 21, 1:01pm
That's what I like about Lexus. Their philosophy. They couldn't give a shit about how the specifications look on paper. They care about the driving experience that most of us will actually do 99% of the time. They also care about that the car will actually last and drive just the same in 20 years' time.
Look what happened when the same guys got to drive a new $$$ Merc.
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