Holden want to be like Ford

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thefatfj, Sep 15, 7:20am

cmx4eva, Sep 15, 9:12am
who cares-this holden vs ford argument is pathetic,both make some good and not so good models

bigfatmat1, Sep 15, 9:20am
Maybe its not stealing ideas but simply making what the market dictates/wants.

bubbles244, Sep 15, 10:15am
doesn't need too.

rocker_553, Sep 16, 2:17am
If the market made what we wanted we'd all have V12 Ferraris with plush full leather seats and 16 speaker BOSE sound systems.

attitudedesignz, Sep 16, 2:44am
Holden designs the HQ, pic's get leaked. Ford big wigs get asked 'bout the new design & radical departure from the HG/HT, Ford bigwigs say "We're not worried, we think Holden is making a huge mistake, the car is too rounded & gives the impression of being femminine (sp!). Ford will stick with what Australians want, good solid cars like the XW/XY".

2 years after the HQ launch, what does Ford bring out.the XA, a rounded femminine (sp!) car to combat the huge sales figures of the HQ.

bigfatmat1, Sep 16, 10:40am
within reason

wizid, Sep 16, 8:19pm
no its a vauxhall.

guider1, Sep 16, 9:46pm
-1. Who on earth would want such a finnicky pile of rubbish like a Ferarri!
I know a guy who paid a 6 figure sum for this "so-called" very rare model & it's now worth similar money to a 2009 HSV GTS.
It's uncomfortable to sit in, has no leg room, extremely poor vision, costs a fortune for a service, sounds like it has tin cans for an exhaust & looks like the chassis is made from furniture tubing. not to mention the impossible task of trying to replace a simple thing such as the battery.
He loves it & that's all that matters I guess. He was proudly showing it off to me & pointed out the "handmade leather tool case" that it comes with. looks more like an old school satchel from the 1940's to me.

edangus, Sep 16, 10:23pm
Steady on bro, don't be dissin XA's, they are the shizzle (but so are HQ's)
My 2 favorite Aussie Cars

attitudedesignz, Sep 16, 10:39pm
I've had 37 HQs but no XAs.

XAs are my pick of early coons, just something 'bout a XA sedan when it's got nice rims and dumped on the deck.

edangus, Sep 16, 10:46pm
Its the ass, baby got back!

Personaly I believe Holden and Ford should have left it at that and just gone out of the business from there on.

"Look guys we did it, go home, have a Tooheys, these cars are the sex"

2 of the sexiest cars ever produced that the masses could buy.

From memory I have had about 5 of each, still cant decide which I love the most, so I will always be a slut for both.

buyme3, Dec 30, 7:36am
but they cant

mugenb20b, Dec 30, 8:04am
3 months later.