Has any member had any issues with rust,corrosion,in and around bulk head corners around fire box v240 model 40,000kmsRegards rob
Jul 4, 3:02am
a mate bought one of these utes & shortly after taking posession he gouged the corner of the front guard by hitting something. it basicly took the paint off & left a small dent. he did nothing but there's a rust hole in that point now. the rust hole probably took less than 6 months to eat it's way thru. in fact there's multiple rust spots where the paints been chipped off on his POS GreatWall truck but as at the last time i looked, only 1 hole all the way thru.
Jul 4, 5:54am
I took a diesel one for a test drive for a few hours one day and a few more the next. I was a gutless wonder until 1900 RPM and then it was ok. Build quality was better that I expected but I did not go ahead as it felt like the sort of thing that would last no more than the warranty period plus the $26990 was petrol and by the time you add the diesel and four wheel drive, on road costs, metelic paint, tuff deck it was $35000.
Jul 4, 6:03am
I cant wait till they make aeroplanes in china, I wonder if any people will fly in them !
Jul 4, 6:19am
As far as I am aware they already do. They make small lightweight aircraft that are very popular at the moment as cheap alternatives to aging cessna's and the like.
Morrisman would be able to tell you more.
Jul 4, 8:45am
They make fighter jets and commercial aviation jets up to 190 seats
Anyone had any experience with them! Quality wise! what you think!
Sep 27, 5:50am
Utes are incredibly attractive at the moment. Nissans really get me going but Toyota, Ford, Mazda and even Volkswagen are bringing out some beauties. Great Walls have something. But lets be honest. Its a bit juvenile and a bit cheap. Wait 5-10 years and that along with the other Chinese will be bringing out some great vehicles.
Sep 27, 6:39am
if the crash test ratings are anything to go by, then i'd say avoid buying Great Wall for the next few years till they pick up their game
Sep 27, 6:51am
Great wall, and they cant even with-stand a impact of a wall. maybe thats why its "great wall"because none of there cars are good enough against it!
Sep 27, 11:40am
Who gives a toss about the crash ratings as it is all crap. I don't buy a vehicle thinking i'm going to crash it maybe one day so i want to be safe from injury. I buy one to do the job i want it to do. Power, quality, and looks all come before crash ratings. Mate has one and reckons it is great value for money. Traded his '95 hilux in on one with a heap of coin left over. He's happy.
Sep 27, 1:12pm
I once walked away from a crash where I was rear-ended at 50km/h by a 4WD that was going over 100km/h. Neck was a bit sore for the next week.
In about 2005 I remember the Akl southern motorway was blocked for hours on Easter Saturday because a little old 323 hatchback was rear-ended by an SUV, and there were bits of the 3 occupants all over the road.
It's pretty amazing that their outcome could be so different than mine, if crash safety is "all crap".
Sep 27, 1:33pm
Looked at one before I got my Navara. On the outside they look great are dirt cheap and drive fairly well. I found the petrol was massivily underpowered(96kw). I was real keen but decided to do some homework. On one particular review site(cant remember sorry ) out of 160 reviews-150 were negative
Sep 27, 2:12pm
Find it & link to it or it's not true!
Sep 27, 2:25pm
Bang on, another GOVt driven idea to make people buy new.A load of bollocks!
Sep 27, 2:27pm
If it was really such a big deal you'd not drive at all!We have a guy here who spouts about people being "sheep" all the time, here's a classic case!
Sep 27, 2:31pm
A guy I work with has one, no problems, goes well.What you pay for is what you get.
Sep 27, 2:48pm
.Great Wall??
Sep 27, 3:24pm
Yeah, not being dead is a big deal to me.
I know, I'm such a "sheep".
Sep 27, 3:26pm
OK. two people have $60k each to spend on a ute. One buys a new Hilux & the other buys a Great Wall & puts the change, $20-30K into the bank at say 4%. The dearer vehicle will cost more to insure but the GW will perhaps use more fuel. In 5 years time the sell/trade them. I can only guess, but I could see the Hilux losing maybe $20k. Whats the most a Great Wall owner could lose! (not forgetting he's still got between 20-30k thats been sitting in the bank for the last 5 years. I know ownership isn't all about the numbers, but it's something to consider.
Sep 27, 3:43pm
That's pretty much how I would view it as well but there are a lot of people who see their ute as a fashion accessory and wouldn't be seen dead in something that cost less than the one their friend drives. Builders are the worst I've come across in that respect, but maybe that's just my experience. Farmers tend to be a bit more pragmatic and go for the product that will do the job without breaking down all the time.
Sep 27, 3:47pm
And if you have got one, make sure you park it round the back of the pub so your mates don't see you driving a Great Wall.
Sep 27, 3:49pm
Speaking of crash safety, i had an accident in my '88 mira. Hit a car square on when a lady turned in front of me. Caved in the side of her car (2008 mazda hatch) and wrote it off and my car flexed and bounced back a couple of meters. It was able to drive and looked pretty fine cept for a dented bumoer and bonnet, but all the seams in the chassis were split. I dunno i guess sometimes its good to have a weak car :p i suppose its not the same as a big heavy ute, but i hope it was an interesting story anyway - ancient mira coming out as well as a late model mazda
Sep 27, 6:33pm
Wrap yourself in cotton wool mate and stay home then. Untilthey can encase you completely and protect you from every scenario, you can never be safe and are merely paying for some peace of mind.When your times up, it's up. Your money, you buy into the hype!
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