sorry. Seriously, the best thing I could say is you get what you pay for. they'll be good in about 10 years time I'd say
Oct 6, 1:51am
Good and Great Wall don't go in the same sentence, things go wrong with them that are virtually unheard of on other makes of vehicle. Rust breaking out in the panels on an 18 month old one and a power steering pump housing cracking open at 5000km are just two stories I've heard abou them
Oct 6, 1:56am
Gaskets laden with abestos, dismal crash test ratings, shoddy build quality, very old engine technology, super thin panel steel, nill resale value
Oct 6, 2:00am
I like how they are built by a company that is known for ripping off entire vehicles from other manufacturers. yet we arrest Kim Dotcom and welcome Great Wall with open arms!!
Oct 6, 7:05am
The Jap manufacturers started this way and the Koreans copying other makes this game is as old as time Who could tell that a company whose product in 1941 was carbon copy 41 Chevrolet would one day be vying for top car makers slot world wide!Or the company that stole the design for the Austin 7 could build the Godzilla skyline. I wouldnt put too much shit on the Chinese I can remeber when Jap cars were absolute rubbish not very long ago.
Oct 6, 2:01pm
Such as.!
Oct 6, 4:50pm
if you want something cheap and good then you would want to wait till next year and import a dacia duster from uk. I got a fewgerman friends with a 2wd duster and they say it even good offroad in 2wd only. and they are euro 5 emission no problem to comply just parts should you need it will have to come from oversees as there is no signes of agents here and even if there would be they would be usless as dacia is a renault powerd vehicle made in romania, We got a sandero and its top cheap as euro 5 also and uses as little petrol as my fiat diesel here in new zealand 60mpg . the duster will use more as its a suv with bigger engine.
Holds up quite really. Almost snaps in the middle!I think it "absorbed" the impact quite well. The main passanger area is in tact. So the deck area bent a little, big deal or is there a reason to have it rigid.It dosent matter a dam what happens out side the passanger areas in an accident as long as that area (cabin) stays in tact. And all those crash tests are done at town speeds most of the time. When was the last time they tested them at 100kph plus! Not that many people die at town speeds. Everytime a part buckles its absorbing impact and hopefully taking it away from cabin area. Id rather be in something that folds up all around the cabin area than remain rigid.
Oct 6, 5:35pm
gunhand did you look what the passanger compartment is doing top and bottom is folding up and that is a bad sign it means if you crash faster you be squashed while it crumbles to a clump, have another look you see the sill fold up as well not only the roof. have a look at the sill on secound 25 of the impact you see it buckel up.
Oct 6, 5:45pm
Yes it is, but in "that" crash senario shown it holds up fine. Yes at faster and probably more realistic crash and death speeds it may well fold up like an aluminium can in the cabin area. Which to me kinda makes these crash test vids not real world.If they started doing all them at open road speeds most cars would have rating of 0 I would think. Its all very well saying how safe a car is at town speeds but not that many people die at 50kph these days, unless run over/hit by a truck maybe or just plain unlucky. If you have a major impact at 100kph its really the luck of the gods if you survive most of the time.Note I said "impact" Sure airbags and crumple zones have helped survival rates and quicker more effective medical intervention.
Oct 6, 5:55pm
That held up pretty well really. Almost folded in half! I think you're seeing what you want to see. The windscreen didn't even break. The only real concern on that is the fact that the roof is starting to fold up.
Some of the late 60's stuff was pretty sad.My dad had a Diahatsu Hi Jet about 1970 that was just terrible from new, everything broke on it.Things like big chunks falling out of the alloy crankcase and gearbox casing, 2 stroke oil system failing / falling off, total electrical meltdowns etc etc??
Oct 6, 6:35pm
My father bought newa very early Datson ute in the 70s it was rusted out in 18months
As much as people complain about the safety ratings on these, the majority of cars on the road in this country are over 10 years old and have worse safety than new chinese stuff. Which is understandable since the chinese are about 10 years behind everyone else anyway. Like others are saying, the japanese started out copying and improving. The chinese will likely do the same. The current 4WDs are a significant improvement over the very first ones we saw here.
In saying that, a 20 year old Hilux would be nicer.
Oct 7, 1:49am
Roundtop - we still havent heard from someone who actually owns one!
If I were you I would consider carefully the dealer you are buying it from, their reputation etc. Warranty on them ok!
If all you want is a working vehicle for $30k instead of the $50k that Toyota and Nissan wants then I say go for it.
Oct 7, 1:57am
Also take into account the amount of depreciaton.
Oct 7, 2:10am
Which is understandable since the chinese are about 10 years behind everyone else anyway.
hrt, where have you been hiding mate! Wake up and smell the coffee!
Oct 7, 2:16am
What is good out of China you make up your own mind look at the NZ Rail junk they have just purchased
Oct 7, 7:49pm
Of all the "Chinese vehicle " threads I have read on here I do not recall any actual owners/purchasers replying. Would love to know what trade in offer they have been given as surely some of the few that have been purchased have been re-sold, you certainly don't see many being advertised used privately either , are many people actually buying them !
Oct 7, 8:01pm
There is one on an Auction site that has depreciated 60% in two years, assuming they can even sell it for what they are asking. I won't say any more TM rules and all.
Oct 7, 8:35pm
60% in 2 years! That's VW levels
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