Great Wall utes

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crzyhrse, Oct 6, 4:28pm
Since you've missed the point entirely, I'm sure you'd fit in nicely there.

doug207, Oct 6, 7:35pm
This thread wins.
Great Wall utes are cheap due to total lack in R&D, low quality interiors and so on. They are not safe, they only get good CNCAP ratings, not ANCAP or otherwise.
We will not find a first model VW, BMW or anything to compare safety wise, as these cars have been around longer than safety ratings, how about Geely though!
I had a look in a GW ute this week, worse build quality than a BA Falcon, terrible. Not bad for the price though.
Scotty likes his VX, good on him.
Craig likes his AU, good on him.
There is a huge amount of arguing over low quality vehicles going on, I fail to see why.

So, in short, a GW is very cheap, but a Japanese ute is better in every way except price.