Cheaper carsseems like a step backwards to me. Anyone who buys one adds to Chinas wealth and the rest of the world economys demise. Silly selfish people but they will find out one day that CHEAPER IS NEVER BETTER. Its wasteful, uneconomical and unenvironmental. The GW ute lasts 5 years ( less that half that of a Toyota) then where do we stack the recycled junk! Idiots buy chinese vehicles. The chinese don't care about you and they have no business morals. As long as it"looks good" people will buy it because they cant test or see the longevity or safety. See any of those chinese made pit bikes any more! NO, all crapped out in under 12 months.
Oct 5, 2:55am
Know anyone who has bought a new VW lately! It's probably Chinese built.
Audi A4 or A6! Ditto.
Anything else probably full of Chinese components.
Oct 5, 2:57am
says the man in his Chinese shoes, cloths and typing his Chinese keyboard, while his Chinese computer processes it all. You have got to laugh.
Oct 5, 3:01am
No, no , no, you have got to Raugh out Roud.
Oct 5, 3:02am
Might want to Google "model t Ford" before arguing too forcefully that cheaper is always worse!
Oct 5, 4:00am
I doubt that the failure of any of those components could cause any danger to me or anybody else. The failure of almost any component in a car can kill. Its a shame there are so many brainless people in the worldlike you.
Oct 5, 4:03am
1. I didn't say that cheaper is always worse, I said it is NEVER BETTER! Im also sure that Henry Ford had scruples and didn't scrimp on quality where it mattered. Time will tell though wont it and Im sure the cost will be hard to measure, but there will be a cost. There always is.
Oct 5, 6:18am
struck a nerve did i tosser!
Oct 5, 6:23am
welcome to the tosser club, you can join mayes (head tosser)
Oct 5, 8:20am
You definitely are a broken record. I do actually feel very sorry for you. Your only achievement in life is a VX Commodore and you follow richardmayes around and are so obsessed with him that even your TM profile quote is a direct reference to him.
Oct 5, 12:54pm
Do you realise just how much Chinese componentry their is in every new car manufactured anywhere around the Globe! That??
Oct 5, 1:32pm
In fairness to Scotty, I do bait him. Quite a lot. Perhaps I shouldn't.
Oct 5, 1:41pm
And here's some fine Chinese engineering that appears to work alright, as reported in the BBC.
getting back to great (hunks of cr-p) walls - ther`e rubbish and everyone (nearly) knows it! - would buy one if they where giving them away.
Oct 6, 1:57am
I don't see why the 2011 GW utes should be better in crash testing, they aren't a new shape they are just facelifted. Just a chinese made holden colorado.
Oct 6, 1:59am
You mean.Isuzu D-Max!
Oct 6, 2:07am
so how is something like a TV or a keyboard is comparable to a car/ute !
if you think what he typed out is wrong, then the jokes on you
Oct 6, 3:41am
They are not components of a car, they are accessories, just like your handbag.
Oct 6, 3:46am
How about the fact that they just may be made of different grade or thickness materials, different temper steel or alloy, plastic in some places where steel may have been seen as necessary in the original! Who cares as long as the paint looks good! What you don't see cant hurt you right!
Oct 6, 3:47am
Hahahahaa double cab that seats 65!
Oct 6, 4:49am
Right, well actually wrong or should I say wong. You would be right if those bad components won the right to rule over the better ones. Here is the thing, in China good components are way cheep, why would you put bad components in their place and *uck your brand. Lesson number one Grasshopper (rEtyre). Lesson number two, the top component companies are all ready producing their goods in China at the same standards produced in their home countries at way cheaper prices. Do you get the draft Grasshopper, maybe I was wong and you are just thick!Maybe not, think deeper to see, Grasshopper.
Oct 6, 1:49pm
Briggs and Stratton. Made in China.
Oct 6, 3:08pm
Siemens, Bosch, Polaris, Yamaha, John Deere, Ford, Honda, GM, Audi, VW, Fiat,Toyota, Sanyo, Sony and so on. In fact it might be easier to name something that is not made in China and has no Chinese parts. I??
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