The story so far. While on holiday at the beach last week, car was parked on lawn and not used for 2 days. Found ants were crawling up all four wheels on day 3. Gave them a blast of flyspray and coated the inside and outside of wheels. Moved car around side of house at same time. Drove car on day 5 and found ants crawling around interior. Killed what I could see by squashing them. (hate those f*#kers). Found they had discovered the packet of open kool mints in centre console. Removed said offending food source and killed all ants I could see. Got home and they buggers are still on car. Have sprayed flyspray everywhere I could think of, but still they appear. Thinking of setting off a "bug bomb" in the garage with the car windows down and the garage closed up. Any other suggestions would be helpful, apart from setting the car on fire though! TIA.
Jan 23, 11:23pm
I'm wondering how well ants cope in a car that's parked under the hot sun for a while
Jan 23, 11:25pm
Consumer magazine ant killer recipe
You can make your own version of the ant killer using a recipe originally published as below:
This formula attracts the ants who eat it and then return to to the nest where they subsequently die. The other ants in the nest eat the dead ones to tidy up and they in turn die. Eventually the whole nest is killed off.
To make approximately 250ml
250 ml (1 cup) water 200gm sugar 25 gm (2 sp) honey 25 gm borax (usually only obtainable from a pharmacy) 25 gm boric acid (usually only obtainable from a pharmacy)
Heat the water and dissolve the honey and sugar in it to make a syrup. Bring the syrup to near boiling point and dissolve the borax and boric acid in it. Allow to cool and make sure all solids have dissolved.
Place the syrup into shallow jar lids, or small medicine bottles lying on their sides, or similar, on the ant trails. Dribble a little of the syrup over the edge of the lids onto the trails to ensure the ants find it. Once found, the ants will usually gather in large numbers to feed on the syrup. Do not clear away the gathered ants but allow them to finish feeding and return along the trails to the nests. They should disappear completely in a couple of days. Do not allow domestic animals to eat the syrup - if necessary cover the syrup with a larger jar or clear dish with an edge propped up by matchsticks to allow access only to ants.
Neverong or Raid Ant Killer from the supermarket works in a similar fashion.
Jan 23, 11:39pm
They appeared to thrive while it was parked out in the sun for a couple of days.hardy bugs those Coromandel types!
Jan 23, 11:40pm
I would let off a bora bomb in the car and leave it locked up for a day. Never wrong and that other ant stuff is useless.
Jan 23, 11:43pm
Thanks for your reply. I have used Raid Ant Killer previously at home with excellent results, but the car is difficult, as I cannot "see" any ant trails to place the bait stations along and I will have to devise a method of securing the bait stations in/under the car.
Jan 23, 11:46pm
Nah, definately wouldn't let one off "in" the car. Was only going to let one off in garage with it closed up and the car in the garage with it's windows left down.
Jan 24, 1:15am
The number of ants in the car won't be particularly high compared to what you'd find in a house. Bait stations will do the job, they only need to stumble across one and they're all good and dead.
Filling the car with spray and gas will probably do the job, but you'll end up with stains and stink.
Jan 24, 1:23am
use the ant killer you buy at the supermarket, you have a few(thousand) non breeding ants, you've removed the main food source already Those ant killers are baited with an attractant, they will seek it out and they will be destroyed, the jel type would be a good choice, drizzle some on a bit of card in the boot, hot sunlight and it's heat buildup won't kill them, they thrive on heat, more heat means they can survive longer and eat less to survive - roaming ants don't have queens or eggs - you have roaming ants, even they can be a nuisance but they at least don't have a nest
Jan 24, 3:03am
You should release a series of deadly insect hunting animals, one species at a time.Increase the intensity of the animals with every release*
*Advice maybe based on cartoon events.
Jan 24, 3:38pm
i have been told that if you leave a saucer filled with whiskey in the car, next to a handful of sand.the ants will drink the whiskey, get pissed and throw rocks at each other*
*may also be based on cartoon events.
Jan 24, 4:51pm
What make of car!
Jan 24, 6:33pm
I put a couple on the scuttle below my windscreen wipers - they found them quickly enough - took a few days but they all disappeared.
Jan 24, 6:59pm
Jan 24, 7:01pm
Drive really fast with all the windows down while blasting whitney houston 'i will always love you'.ants hate that shit
Feb 1, 3:06am
i figured you were kidding!
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