WOF - 6 year old vehicle

jojo76, Jan 30, 8:59pm
Our vehicle was first regestered 12 July 2006, we have a warrant due 1 march.will i get 1 year wof or 6 months.Im thinking i should still get 1 year am i right!as long as it goes off the first regestration date.

gadgit3, Jan 30, 9:04pm
Yes if you get one in March it should be it's last 12 month WoF

phillip.weston, Jan 30, 9:09pm
yeah get one in March to get its last WOF then go a month before the WOF is set to expire next time for a further 12 months - you can effectively stretch it out to almost 7 years.

tonyrockyhorror, Jan 30, 11:16pm
It does go off the first registration date.

neo_psy, Nov 23, 2:47am
We missed out on getting one last one by three days.