Anyone familiar with the Vehicle Lighting 04' act!
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Jan 25, 6:35am
I was asked the other day by a young man if it is against the law to 'tint' your tail lights, either by the use of a spray, stockings or plastic covers. However I was unsure of the answer.
All information I could find regarding the legality is: An overlay must not be applied to a lens if that would reduce the mechanical and optical properties of the lamp below safe tolerance.
Does this mean that if the brightness of the bulb was increased (above the un-tinted brightness level) that the tints would be 'legal'!
Jan 25, 6:45am
They changed it so you can't do anything now, no coverings. I'm pissed off cause I just got all that certified and now "oh hey we are going to change the rules, sorry you wasted your time"
My uncle has the notice up at his warrant place warning people before they come in about it. Personally I'm just going to keep a spare set of lights handy cause my lights were fine, my car is fine, everything about it is kept in check and I went through the hoops to have it legal and they got my money. Just cause some wanks make their car dangerous doesn't mean I have as well.
Jan 25, 6:54am
Typical isn't it. I have heard of people passing WoF's fine with tinted tail lights, but the main thing that is the worry is the police. Would you have a link to the clause that states you cannot have anything over you tail lights! Cheers
They take pictures of some obscenely dark and rice cars for their flyer. Mine are only very slightly darkened cause they looked funny after I polished them and looked like they were always on cause of the reflector. I did a tinted clear over them and put in bight bulbs and the car no longer looks so stupid.
My other car I sold had them darker than mine standard. It's obvious when someone has done something dumband most cars with that crap are getting dodgy warrants anyway. Anyone with sense could do it in a way that doesn't affect visibility. THose without sense shouldn't be driving, simple.
Jan 25, 12:13pm
Well, i'm a WOF avi, and as previous posts have said, it is now illegal to modify lights at all, but what i'd like to know, is why would you want to!
Jan 25, 2:36pm
VIRM Amendment December 2010tinted, painted and stocking covered tail lamps. are not allowed
Jan 25, 2:43pm
How about faded lenses with colored bulbs (of the correct spec's & placement)
Jan 25, 2:48pm
It has always been illegal to modify a compliant part.
Yes, they come up to a standard and this includes the light source ie the bulb (LED are not replaceable so the whole lamp is compliant) so changing to a brighter unapproved bulb is also not allowed. If they are faded, yes they should be failed but somehow we think here that older cars are OK to be less safe than new ones.
This also means that the LED replacement bulbs are illegal no matter how bright they are, unless they come up to the standard, like ECE, which is not going to happen.
Jan 25, 2:48pm
like Hiace vans, we use red bulbs,a lot of new cars have clear lens with coloured long as no white light emitted
Jan 25, 3:18pm
How bloody stupid, how does a faded lens make a car unsafe!.
Jan 25, 3:47pm
By making the light appear to be white or white-ish at night when it should be red for brake or orange for rear indicator
Jan 25, 3:49pm
So some idiot will think a car is coming backwards towards them!, give me a break that's bollocks.
Jan 25, 3:53pm
Thats a "govt dept testing" std not a reallity std. My trucks lenses are faded but appear totally normal when the lights are used with FULL normal std light output & to add to that confusion is that the bulbs being used are the STD voltage & wattage expected for those lights.
Jan 25, 3:57pm
Has happened before. Seen it myself, it's more of the 'momentary confusion" factor thats the problem which can & has caused accidents in the past, Mostly late at night/ tired driver twisty roads. situations,
it's the same effective reasonwhy you can't have reverse lights on when driving forwards.
Jan 25, 3:57pm
Is there a 'Constuction and Use" act/law in NZ! The UK one (in paper form) stands about 450 mm high in A$ format.tells you everything you EVER need to know about your car (and the 175 crimes you can commit before you even put your keys in your pocket)!
Jan 25, 3:59pm
#1: Whats the 1st normal reflex thought when you see a red light in the distance at night!
#2: Whats the 1st normal reflex thought when you see a white light in the distance at night!
Jan 25, 4:16pm
tinted or shaded tail lights during the day are hard to see i see some boys never leave thier baby toys at home and try to carry it onto a real car as for lowering and some of those silly baby looking mags lololololololol
Jan 25, 4:23pm
Yes cause you've seen my car haven't you! The lenses were polished before I did this so they got brighter than factory but that looked dumb so I faded it back a bit. I don't have a 190E on 22's, stop generalising that everyone that has done something must be an idiot.
Jan 25, 4:56pm
The stupid tired driver is at fault.
Jan 25, 5:26pm
Doesnt answer my question, why would you want to put stockings over your tail lights, are you gay!
Jan 25, 5:52pm
Yes, because stockings over your tail lights make you gay. cheers for your input lyonruge. Jordan.
Jan 25, 8:56pm
Cheers guys, appreciate all your input. Jordan.
Jan 25, 9:16pm
i wasnt talking to you dickhead, OP asked if it was legal to modify lights with stockings, i asked why youd want to do that, still no one has given a reason, if you havnt got a relevant answer, fuck off!
Jan 25, 9:29pm
LOL.just the answer i would expect from a
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