Just when I think I've read the most idiotic post ever on this forum, it gets topped.
Dec 5, 1:19pm
just pop on a set of grade 5 muffs every time you get in a car, in case it crashes and gets a bit noisy.
Dec 5, 1:20pm
You know the saying aye "you can't make anything idiot-proof. they are allways building a better idiot'
Dec 5, 2:35pm
SR2Now the question I ask is . If an equal amount of money was spent on compulsary driver education as on improving vehicleswhat would the stats say!
Dec 5, 3:45pm
I agree with your sentiment, but the difference is compliance issues are paid for by the manufacturers (and therefore by the public if they choose to buy cars) whereas driver training expense would have to be state funded, and therefore out of your taxes.
Guess which is more politically palatable!
Dec 5, 3:48pm
Nail. Head. Hammered - very nicely put.
Dec 5, 4:28pm
Good way to make sure cars get written off too, add more air bags.
Dec 5, 4:37pm
They're actually starting to replace deployed airbags more often now
Dec 5, 4:43pm
Yeah but its still a lot of extra cost as well as the extra damage crumple zones take, yes they absorb a lot of energy in an impact but its also a good way of upping your chances of selling another whole car. Don't get me wrong I'm all for it, but car manufactures must love it too.
Dec 5, 5:31pm
There have been a few published studies comparing the EuroNCAP safety ratings with real-world crashes, and for the LHD market they were fairly applicable, ie about as good as you'll get measuring in a controlled environment something that is seldom that controlled in real life.
What should be mentioned though, is that some manufacturers build their cars to perform well in the crash tests in LHD, but when converted to RHD the cars are much less safe, but the ratings don't have to change (as the bulk market car is the one which is tested, so for most European and American cars, this means LHD). So if you're buying a RHD car, watch the EuroNCAP ratings, they're not always transferrable.
Dec 5, 5:46pm
Likely to get battered to death by so many banging off in an accident.
Dec 6, 1:09am
Back to the original question are more air bags safer ie driver, passenger, side and knee vs driver, passenger. the answer would be yes and no. It would all depend on the accident you are planing on having. IMO the amount of air bags in a car wouldn't be a deciding factor on the car I buy. But also I don't hinder anybody that dose buy a car because it's rated safer. Eases the mind I guess . for some.
Dec 6, 1:49am
they are no safer. though possibly a little safer if you have a serious crash.
personally i dont make a habit of seriously crashing. thus far all of my vehicles have injured me equally as much as each other.i didnt even get hurt driving a lite ace with no airbags at all!
Dec 6, 1:52am
Yea but what ya gunna do when get hit by a Kenworth doing 100kph head on with no airbags or with airbags for that matter!Actaully I know the answer. You will get to solve the age old question. Is there a heaven.
Dec 6, 1:58am
Great question and probably one we will never see answered. The difficulty with us car enthusiasts (apart from our tendency to rate ourselves as the only competent drivers on the road!) is that we often place too much emphasis on car control skills when trying to define what makes a ???safe driver???. While car control skills are obviously important safe driving is all about risk management, both in identifying risk and then in reducing it to an acceptable level. The disparity between perceived and real risk is what causes the majority of driver error accidents. It was once suggested (somewhat tongue in cheek) that the quickest way to lower the road toll would be to make it compulsory for all drivers to not wear a seatbelt and have a large, sharp spike mounted only inches away from their foreheads!
Dec 6, 1:59am
I don't think any amount of airbags will deflect a Kenworth once it gets down to a bit of jam making.
Dec 6, 1:59am
I edited to say just that lol, I forgot to put with airbags as well.
May 9, 2:00pm
you have to wonder though, would there be as many 'accidents' if all vehicles were forward control ( you and the passenger sitting in a glass envelope forward of the front wheels, 8mm of glass between you and that tree, truck, rear end of the car in front)
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