Whats the highest you have been on or in a vehicle

doublek, Dec 8, 7:57pm
Ahhh - read your post and got a new understanding of what you were after. The title had me thinking for a few seconds.

curlcrown, Dec 8, 8:00pm
more than twice that height.

jcwholesale, Dec 8, 8:01pm
may be I should have said road going vehicle

hopie, Dec 8, 8:11pm

motorway, Dec 8, 8:12pm
North head (halfway up)

pico42, Dec 8, 8:23pm
I don't think I have reached 2000m, but have been up to about 1800m. must look back at some topo maps.

mm12345, Dec 8, 8:25pm
Independence pass (about 12,000 ft).Fully sealed road with a sealed carpark with angle parking and kerbs.The '72 auto VW bus (1800) we owned at the time didn't have enough grunt left at that altitude to reverse back up the slight slope of the angle park.We needed a push to get going.

mrfxit, Dec 8, 8:56pm
Any body know how high the top of the Rainbow Valley ranges are on the way to Hanmer Springs

mm12345, Dec 8, 8:57pm
Yep that's the place.Pretty sure I've got the same photo somewhere -except the person in the photo is better looking (my wife) :-)
You'll be having (or will have had) a ball - doing a bike trip in those parts will be awesome.
We did a 17,000 mile trip in our old Kombi, from LA to Quebec to Key West, and back to LA, over about 4 months.Being in a vehicle that struggled to do over 60mph was a bonus - we kept off the interstates, stopped often, and as a result met lots of great folks (compulsory stop for a catch-up when we saw another VW bus)

m16d, Dec 8, 9:03pm
Crikey. 14000ft. Is there any air up there.!

jcwholesale, Dec 8, 9:06pm
Did that trip in 2009, 7500miles in 5 weeks, did the southern states 2011 3500miles, 4 weeks. Had a great time.
Your trip sounds pretty cool to, isn't it a great place to visit, so vast.

richard198, Dec 8, 9:31pm
5,421 m (17,785 ft)
Mt. Chacaltaya in Bolivia. In a landrover that had the carbs re-jetted so it could operate at Alte Plano elevation.
Driving up so quickly from the Alte Plano resulted in altitude sickness with a bit of bottled oxygen making things right!

jcwholesale, Dec 8, 9:32pm
Wow that sounds cool

NZTools, Dec 8, 10:52pm
On a slightly different tangent, 32 metres on Dunedin central's Bronto Skylift.

mm12345, Dec 8, 10:55pm
It exceeded my expectations in every way - and that's a huge understatement.
I used to ride bikes - and I'm surely not a harley fan, but what the hell - an HD would be the way to go - I'd love it (but my wife would not).

dvince, Dec 8, 11:15pm
Winched up around 70m inside a man basket by one of NZs largest mobile cranes.

tuttyclan, Dec 9, 1:41am
Does driving up the steepest street in the world count lol.
Baldwin Street Dunedin 1998

dr.doolittle, Dec 9, 1:48am
"Whats the highest you have been on or in a vehicle"

Thats a very open question.
PS. I'm VERY anti drugs.

grangies, Dec 9, 1:54am
Awesome pics of yours in this thread.

A major tour of the USA is on my bucket list.

I been to Hawaii, California and Nevada as far as the Grand Canyon. But really would love to see the interior.

dr.doolittle, Dec 9, 2:03am
I'd love that too. Go to places where they all have the same surname.
Just 'because you can'.

mapman, Dec 9, 2:10am
Haleakala National Park on Maui in Hawaii. The summit is 10023 feet with the road peaking at just below that. The road is like a highway all the way to the top.

richard198, May 21, 10:47am
Put the Rocky Mountains on your list!
Just awesome!