On road costs Yes or no!

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mrfxit, Dec 15, 6:17pm
DID I say anything about legality's of a car dealer being able to separate the ORC from the price!. = NO

What I DID say, is what YOU need to go back & re-read.

crzyhrse, Dec 15, 6:27pm
But a non-petrol ute.

amberjandal, Dec 15, 6:40pm
You were using some legal terms fixit it the first half of your post "fit for purpose" and "compulsary" I was just clearing up the legal side so people didn't think dealers were obliged to do any of that ORC stuff. I got your final point , dont worry , I can read.

kazbanz, Dec 15, 6:53pm
funnilly enough mate--orc for one of those is likely to be fairly close to the ORC for a fresh import. -Ie there wont be any fresh diesel utes -they are now all basicly recycled stock.

mrfxit, Jun 12, 6:54am
Arrhh MMmmm ok then yea no worrys
It's all there now for sure ;-)