just wondering what are the regulations over importing a wrx from japan, from what i understand at the moment its fine if its 2001 onwards!
Feb 3, 3:24am
Look up the LTSA website,go into importing a car from Japan,it gives you all the info required for importing a car that will be able to be rego here.The main thing to get right is the emission code-Japan 00/02 or Euro3.The codes are listed on the website and are part of the chassis code on the car.Dont go by the year of the car,use the emission code.
Feb 3, 3:34am
if its no older than 5 years you can rego here but if older u have to wait till the car is 20years old if not regestered in nz in that time i have only slightly looked into this as an option for a new car maybe someone knows more and can correct me! a good sight is www.japaneseusedcars.com real cheapys on there ive seen expecially if you wanted a late model evo all kms certified and crash certified
Feb 3, 11:35am
No problem with them.
Feb 3, 1:39pm
bendean wrote: if its no older than 5 years you can rego here
5 years has got nothing whatsoever to do with it.The criteria is emissions codings as has been said earlier.There are 1999 vehicles that can still be imported at the moment and complied straight away due to meeting the GH emissions codes.Currently, GH or newer is OK until later this year.From 1st Jan 2012 onwards, it goes up another step and then only ones that meet the relevant codes for that time will be able to be imported.However, for anybody wanting to get something in that meets current rulings they have to have it here and complied before 1st Jan 2012, so around about October things might start getting a bit tight timewise in getting them here in time.
Feb 3, 1:41pm
Just one word of caution - the GF emissions code no longer complies even though it is a 2 letter code.Current minimum is GH or better, and most Japanese vehicles of the 2001 area are either GH or TA which are fine.
Mar 9, 10:43am
thanks for the helpful comments
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