To answer your questions: No, I didn't spot the leak at purchase as it only drips when it's warm. It had a new WOF. I have done about 50 k's since purchase. No car yard, just trademe. If they are a reg trader, what difference does it make if they work from home or have a yard!
Dec 14, 6:52pm
jgoater-did you buy the vehicle on auction or was it a regular listing! If an auction then there most likely isno comeback. On what basis do you believe the seller is a registered trader! Their word or have you actually SEENtheir MVT registration. Sorry to sound pedantic but theres a bunch of people who to give customers a false sense of security by SAYINGthey are registered traders when in fact they are fly by nighters. If they AREa registered trader then in therory you have the same protection as you have buying from a reputable dealership.
Dec 14, 7:40pm
A new WOF tells me that the oil leak was WOFable at time of purchase which probably means it was of merchantable quality at time of delivery.
If it went to a disputes tribunal then you stand a small chance in my view , small though. The law is not set in stone around these types of problems , the seller could argue that it was not broken at delivery as it had a new WOF. An oil leak needs to be severe or dangerous to fail a WOF.
A franchise dealer would probably fix , a second hand only off a yard might fix , a seller from home registered or not , probably not.
Good luck though :-)
Dec 14, 9:47pm
Classified ad, as previously mentioned. Reg trader as I have a CIN form with their trader number on it. UPDATE:::: I have just got a second opinion and a mechanically mindedfriend is going to repair it for $250 all up. I am happy to pay that and just enjoy Xmas and forget about legal action over such a small amount. Thanks all for your input!
Jun 6, 12:00pm
Good on you.
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