:-) It's not really the exact speed I stress over, it's just the fact that people don't get out of the way when it is easy for them to do so.I don't travel at great speeds, but find these people very frustrating.If someone comes up behind me, I move across to let them past (assuming it is possible to do so).
Jan 6, 3:23pm
This makes it clearer you mean the ones that have plenty of space to the left and dont want to move over! Not having many multiple lane highways in the regional area that I do most my driving you notice the city folk stressing at being stuck behind something slower.Yet funnily they end up being the slow ones when it comes to the twisty sections.
Jan 6, 3:26pm
NZ seems to have experienced a societal shift away from common sense towards wide spread sanctimonious behavior that is ruining our society.
It doesn't just cause occasional individual problems like the one Kaz experienced. It provides fertile ground for over-regulation and silly laws and enforcement that value blind adhesion to legislation over safety and practicality.
Its such a shame as the financial and social cost of this erosion of sensible values is very high.
Jan 6, 3:27pm
If you need a hand just sing out, we are around this weekend! Just drove past and didn't stop because you looked busy.
Jan 6, 4:17pm
Hey thanks guys -Mrs Kaz is in the tender care of nationalwomans.It was a bit of a scare but turned out to be a bit of a case of better safe than sorry. COFFEE IS GOOD Wasn't the point of the thread though. A member of the public travelling on a 3 lane each way motorway DELIBERATELYblocked the road for about 4km. There was ample opertunity to move left or for that matter to have simply been travelling in the second lane from the leftto begin with. This wasn't a panic attack It was a deliberate action to prevent me from passing. The speed involved would POSSIBLY have netteda speeding ticket but in most of Australia is actually the highway speed limit (not defending the speed just giving an idea of how fast) The flashing of headlights and tooting of horn was after 2km.
Jan 6, 4:21pm
it's a kiwi thing mate, that and cut across 2 lanes to take the exit. please give our regards to mrs caz and we hope she has a short labour
Jan 6, 4:37pm
Sounds to me like you encountered romulan7.
Jan 6, 4:47pm
Thanks mate-apreciate the call-Other than the need for caffene to stay awake all is good
Jan 6, 4:53pm
do you feel like a visitor mate!
Jan 6, 5:00pm
Visitors are always welcolm
Jan 6, 5:06pm
cool, i'll come up this afternoon, family is in hams at the mo
Jan 6, 5:24pm
Brackston-Hicks, was it!
If these words can be of any comfort:
My eldest daughter was born at 26 weeks -- she is now a healthy mother herself, and at 50, is still in the prime of her life.
A few years ago, she appeared in a small production called "MkII Zephyr", [so there IS a motoring link] plus "Shorty St" (who hasn't!).
Prem-natal care has improved out-of-sight since 1961, still, she was a lucky girl.
Our best to you, Mrs Kaz, Junior Kaz's, and the coming Mini-Kaz.
Jan 6, 5:52pm
You may have to whip your Rose coloured specs off about previous decades in NZ Jazz. NZ wasn't perfect in the 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s.either.
Jan 6, 5:52pm
I dont sit in the outside of a motorway when there is two lanes on the inside clear of traffic.Then again I hardly ever drive on the Auckalnd Motorway system maybe once every few years but thats once to many given the amount of traffic and a holes you decribe here so often.
Jan 6, 5:53pm
True that nothing really has changed Aucklands Motorway driving skills have always been lacking in many respects.
Jan 6, 6:26pm
I can't believe there are some dickwackers on here arguing with you Kaz. I'd have done the same. All the best. Prems from 30 weeks are fine so you're in the zone, she'll be right mate.
Jan 6, 6:38pm
Quite true, but we wouldn't have tolerated nonsense like being ticketed from 1km/h over the speed limit, and there would have been public outrageinstead of support of a doctor being delayed from getting to a dying patient by Police.
I don't want to ruin Kaz's thread by going down that track but they are a couple of examples that spring to mind.
People have just lost so much ability to reason and use common sense its amazing.
Jan 6, 6:38pm
If you ploughing along in the outside lane with your hazzard warning lights going!No one has any idea where you are going next or your intentions especially if your in an ordinary car. No arguing here just poining out from the outside perspective and a few more to the road and yes what kaz decribed is going to happen to any of us in a hurry I would point out. You know how frustrating it is to hear a town fire siren go off when your outside the station waiting for the help!5 minutes seems an eternity yet the guys and girls responding have to drive to the station at normalish road speeds. No emergency is worth putting other road users at risk, sounds harsh but thats the truth and the reply from Kaz highlights that.
Jan 6, 6:38pm
+1 on both counts!
Jan 6, 7:44pm
If the 'person' in the other car had ample opportunity to move into a left lane how was it that the same oportuniy wasn't there for you! 4km is a long way to be sitting behind someone especially on a 3 lane highway. Maybe call the ambulance next time.
Jan 6, 8:03pm
god what a crock of shit, its very easy to say that on a msg board, but if you were in an emergency situation you wouldnt be practicing what you preach.would you really risk the life of your wife and child to avoid the slim possibility of having an accident, no you wouldnt and neither would anyone else, you would be an idiot if you did.
if it really isnt worth the risk then why do ambulances/police/fire engines speed like hell and run red lights! Because if the took their sweet time trying to be considerate to others then people would die.
Kaz i wish you and your family all the best.
Jan 6, 8:48pm
Jeez - all I did was suggest that net_oz 'go away' (sort'v) and I got nuked. Hope kaz got my message beforehand.
Jan 6, 9:02pm
Just encountered on of these self-righteous pratts, like romulan7, on the SW between Onehunga and Hillsborough.
There I was, whizzing along on cruise control in the right lane just over 00km/h on the dial, passing a line of probably 10 vehicles all doing about 90km/h in the middle lane when the second vehicle in that line, a Mazda Bongo, steered by what I can only describe as a chimp in a floral wrap, pulls out at the very base of the hill.
Naturally, he loses pace on the hill and I'm stuck behind this gimptard while the cars that I'd just passed, passed me. By the time the cars have all passed us, we're down to 70km/h and 3/4 of the way up the hill.
So once the left lane was clear (which I verified as any prudent driver would before changing lane) I indicated and moved over and passed him on the left.
Last I saw he had another 3 cars behind him as he reached the top of the hill.
What a moron.
Jan 6, 9:07pm
They know there's SOMETHING important happening unless they're oblivious and incapable of rational thought.
In which case I stand by my initial assessment that it was in fact you that Kaz encountered!
Jan 6, 9:08pm
BTW given the volumes of traffic in Auckland it's no surprise you encounter idiots more frequently. It's just increased statistical likelyhood.
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