Special tool for prising off door cards, looks like a spatula with a slot in the middle .
Jan 12, 7:41pm
Never needed one. Nice to have, I'm sure.
Jan 12, 8:34pm
richard 198 -theres a kit you can buy from sulco for about $40.00--you will be blown away how much easier it makes life
Jan 12, 10:49pm
I'm in Western Springs - Thanks everyone for your suggestions. if it looks like I'm procrastinating - I'm not - it's priorities at this stage.
Hubby's auto car has gear problems and engine is running at high revs.He has had to get a new one - and then get dual controls put in - lucky I was able to get our usual guy - back from his holidays - to put it in next Saturday.
Then hubby can get his old one fixed.
Then my one will be the last one to be attended to.
What would we do without cars :)
Jan 12, 11:01pm
Get back to horses and carts I say, get rid of these bloody chariots! Life would be simpler.
Jan 13, 3:33am
Hey look if ya wanna cruise on by I'd have a looksee for you. at the least you should be able to get in and out the drivers door.
Jan 13, 4:34am
If you can see the door locks open and shutwhen you use the remote possiblythedrivers door lock rod is jammed or bent out of adjustment-you say all the doors stay locked-can you open the rear doors from theinside! When you use the key in the drivers door lockdoes it feel ok or sticking ! My aftermarket alarm has this problem sometimes when thedrivers door motor lock rod comes loose and out of adjustment- when i press the remote the lockopens then locks again and i have to use the keylock entry on passenger door.
Jan 13, 4:51am
sorryforgot to ask:Pis it an aftermarket alarm
Sep 16, 1:19pm
ok - mechanic mate took about an hour to finally get the door open - ended up with the old coathanger trick - the central locking box has rusted, and I need to get a new one.
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