Car dealers who are listed as dealers on TM

floscey, Jan 10, 7:50pm
Why is it that some traders have dealer on the profile and others dont. Ido a search with private sales only and most are overpriced dealers carp.
Are they trying to dodge something!

curlcrown, Jan 10, 8:19pm
Don't you know it is illegal to keep carp in New Zealand.

xpfairmont, Jan 10, 8:28pm
Yes, I know what you mean. lots of dealers selling cars out the back of tyre shops etc in south auckland. Went looking for used cars two times last year. After looking at crap cars from dodgy dealers the 1st time it almost put me off buying at all. The second time I just went to Toyota, at least they will still be there next week

phillip.weston, Jan 10, 10:00pm
dealers only list in the 'dealer' category if they have a specific dealer account with Autobase/Trademe and pay a flatrate fee for x amount of listings a month. For a small time dealer it's not even worth it, and it's more cost effective to list the vehicle just like every day Joe Bloggs. Dealers also still need to be able to auction off their stock too, for instance trade ins which they just don't want anything to do with.

When I had a dealer's licence and listed cars on trademe I specifically made mention that I was a registered motor vehicle trader (for the period that I was registered anyhow). I had most of my cars set at $1res auction so the buying public determined the value of the vehicle, so hard to say that they were 'over priced' because they sold for what the market was prepared to pay for them at the current time.

There are plenty of reputable dealers operating on TradeMe in this fashion, don't rubbish the lot because of some sly back yard traders. You get the riff raff in most professions/line of work and doesn't just apply to car dealers.

jason18, Jan 10, 10:07pm
Oh I dunno I met this dodgy dealer called phil on here. Shoddy as

kazbanz, Jan 10, 11:01pm
Floscey- What PW said is bang on EXCEPT. The "dealer" lable comes up as a result ONLY of listing through Autobase and they send the listing to TM.
I have BOTH -an Autobase account for my retail cars and a TM account for trade in Auction sales. But its VERY clear on the TM account I'm a dealer.
Unfortunately though there is a level below the legit dealers who arent dealers but arent private sellers either. Selling pretending to be private when it suits them or dealers when its the other way round. -they are pretty easy to spot though

vince90, May 29, 8:51pm
Sorry pw, a dealer is a dealer, whether he operates from a back yard or car yard on the main street. If Trade Me was serious it would make sure dealers only advertise in the dealers section and leave the private listings for private sellers. But of course, they don't really care about looking after the small guys, do they!

jcwholesale, May 29, 9:04pm
vince90 So you would rather pay more for a car that you bought off the public, than see a cross section of all the cars and see if there is a cheaper one from a dealer.
Strange thinking.

kazbanz, May 29, 9:45pm
You can actually READ can't you vince!
There isn't a dealers "section" on trade me. Its not some exclusive club or anything silly like that. It is simply that any dealer that lists via autobase shows as being a dealer and ANYBODYthat lists directly doesn't

kazbanz, May 29, 9:52pm
Incidently on a side note -I agree that dealer listings should indeed have the word dealer by their name. Perhaps TM could have that as an optional tickboxas well as the otherones they have.
But then if the Tax department,internal affairs etc aren't interested in the HUGE lost in tax and can't protect the public from illegal dealershow it TM soposed to!
And by the definition of dealer would you be happy to stand up and pay the tax on any vehicle sold with the intent to make profit!
heck theres a few guys on here make a buck or two selling a car or two on the side.Should the spotlight point at them!

fordkiwi27, May 30, 1:13am
i find dealers are about the same price as private these days .

modie61, May 30, 1:31am
carp is a fish,isnt it !