2 resons why you lose water 1 is radiator cap. and 2 is a faulty waterpump that drips water at only a specific temp range past its seal. you check for play of pump and if its got any play it likely is dripping coolant there if no other signs. My renault van did keep loosing water could not find anywhere and done timingbelt and waterpump and woala no more water lost.
Feb 25, 3:00pm
I did replace cap and pump was replaced round 2 yrs ago when belt was done .I did take thermostat out and temp was NO different
Feb 25, 3:02pm
this could mean your radiator core are blocked not circulating coolant thru all cores. temp going down when you put on internal heater to cool it down.!
Feb 25, 3:05pm
also viscous fan should spinn hard out when hot it gets the temp from the waterpump and not radiator . my mercedes mb 140 was hauling the fan up mount ruapehu when the viscouse locked it in place . My wive asked me whats that never heard it before and i just said thats a good sign means the fan is working .
Feb 25, 3:08pm
if you can get to the front of the radiator you could put your hand on the radiator flat to see if its hot all over or has cold cores. on hiace you can do this if you got no aircondition evaporater in front of the radiator mounted.dont burn the hands however
Feb 25, 3:09pm
also you put coolant in radiator and the expansion bowl that is connected to the radiator !
Feb 25, 3:25pm
Thanks had rad prob 5 yrs ago and temp climbed up up big hill so cancelled my work trip and went straight down hill and temp went down straight away.There is a loud as sueeling noise (fan belt!) and wen i rev up it gets louder and vibrating sound .So best bet to take out rad and get rodded thrucheers.
Feb 25, 7:05pm
i guessyou have a split main crank pulley or a slipping belt if it is a squeling noise the other noise is the fan like a helicopter chopping noise . vibratingsound is no good find the problem pulley is 2 parts and the outer splits from inner part spinning the inner free and outer almost wont move .
Feb 26, 2:17am
I swapped a toyota 3L engine (your 2.8 diesel) into my surf. Going up north from auckland, up the big hills with 5 people in it and full of camping gear, it would go to about 3/4 on the temp gauge. What I found I had to do when pulling that weight up hills, was to sacrafice speed to keep it cool, (the fan is bolted right to the crank) so I would leave it in 3rd at max revs up the hills - and it wouldnt budge off being just under half on the scale. Going to 4th would be okay and I could gain speed up hills but that fan isnt spinning as fast and she'd heat up, too much strain on the engine. I later installed a larger electric fan and all problems went away. These engines were 90hp off the production line, Even with everything working properly towing pulling a big strain on them try keep your revs up to keep her cool. Always remember to leave it running for a few minutes after a tough journey before you shut it off or these weak heads will go bang.
Feb 26, 3:29am
I suggest cheaking the viscous fan hub, and rodding the radiator, and replacing the radiator cap, Cheak all components for signs of leakage, during warm up, it may stop leaking when the engine is warm, Tighten fan belts.
Feb 26, 3:31am
Fill the viscous hub with new silicon fluid, I think repco stock it.
Feb 26, 1:41pm
had a pressure test done and found top hose slightly leaking now im losing water when she heats up is she toast for sure!
Feb 26, 1:48pm
find the problem did you do what i told you to check! if all my things i posted are ok then go for nother pressure test. If it then will show pressure loss and nothing external then it be internal you will then see water out the exhaust or milky engine oil.
Feb 26, 1:54pm
ok intrade will check rad when van runninyou have givin me some good advice sorry not near vechile till tom but will check then thanks
Mar 3, 2:24am
Got rad cleaned professionally .25percent blocked.thermostat stuffed.Did s test tonight towing load. heated up twice on same hill night and day. Went up same hill and shes sweet! yeehar. Just have to see how much if any coolant loss tom.
Mar 3, 2:28pm
No coolant loss! How do you check the fan working cheers
Mar 3, 3:22pm
viscose fan get it warm best to that hill then when your on top turn it off and inspect the fan, you should not be able to easy turn the fanblade when it is hot and easy when its cold.
Mar 3, 3:54pm
ok cheers intrade:)
Mar 3, 9:48pm
Can you explain the water loss when engine got a little hotter with rad blocked as seems to bok now !
Mar 4, 1:30pm
dont know but if it got to hot it myght not have been able to suck back all the coolant it pressed out back in to the radiator when it cooled. Did you check your viscouse fan and the crank pulley!
Mar 4, 2:02pm
Hi intrade will be goin on 500k journey today so will check fan and crank pulley looks ok!cheers
Jun 15, 2:12pm
YES i had aleak a while ago fixed now and was filling up with WATER only!. Now have correct ratio in system.
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