When buying a car. How do you check if the vehicle is being used as collateral on a loan

bubbacat1, Mar 11, 1:59pm
How do you check if the vehicle is being used as collateral on a loan!

intrade, Mar 11, 2:15pm
if you are sure you want to buy it you go here and get a report from them
www.carjam.co.nzyou get 3 basic free ones if you sign up per month to see if roaduser was paid on diesel etc . loan thing you have to pay i think.

3962, Mar 11, 3:44pm
You can text rego to 3463 & you will get a text back saying whether money is owed on it or not.

bubbacat1, Mar 11, 5:31pm
I was kind of more wondering, when someone gets out a personal loan and uses thier car as security, is there anyway to find that out! Or can the loan sharks not touch it once the ownership is signed over!

smac, Jul 10, 1:12pm
You missed post #3!