People who drive autos with the brakes always on

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johnf_456, May 31, 7:59pm

richardmayes, May 31, 8:02pm
I wonder how many of them are actually just a brake pedal switch in need of adjustment!

shedog6, May 31, 8:06pm
I drive an auto and I don't drive with brake on all the time,Isn't it dangerous to use the accelerator and the brake at the same time. OOOO I bet they do great wheelies.

I was a manual driver maybe that's why. but I use right foot for accelerator and brake and left foot for either clutch or rest.

Can't understand the point to riding the brakes while accelerating.Doesn't make sense to me.

purple666, May 31, 8:19pm
When my Dad was teaching me to drive a very long time ago he saw me go to use my left foot on the brake (manual trans) and let out such a yell that I can still hear it when I left foot brake in my auto trans classic when its cold or going up on ramps etc. That was a good lesson learned.

gunhand, May 31, 8:42pm
Well Im going to say that Im a left foot braker in town. Now I dont have my foot actually on the brake causing lights to go on but just above it when coming up to an intersection or any other reason Ithink I may have to stop quicker than perhaps normal.
The reason is that most autos ( most cars actually) are not set up for right foot braking (heal toe) as in a race car where they are. If you have to panic stop for any reason you have to. A, see the situation, B react to it, which means deciding what to do, C, remove right foot from pedal which means lifting right off and then over to the brake and depress it. Do you no how far you have travelled in that time! At 50kph a fair way. Now in a panic braking situation there is a chance that you could hook your foot under the brake therefore not stopping at all. Now years back I did a study on stopping distances human reactions and so forth and im quite happy to have my foot poised above the brake pedal.
I only do this when I preseave a threat. Has it worked. hell yea.
Not realy the topic I guess but my view on it. And yes Ive seen people driving with the brake lights on as well. Dosnt upset me at all, not my brakepads and there is such a thing as correct following distances that should stop you hitting someone anyway. Would make it harder if there brake lights were on for sure but I guess leaving that extra gap would be a good idea in that situation. Same as people who leave indicators on for kms after kms, People who forgt to turn lights on in town/city at night (done that) and anyone of the habits we all have and momments of forgetfullness.
And in 30 years of driving Ive never rear ended another car. Its one of those accidents I dont want to have as there is no defence 99.99% of the time.

cjdnzl, May 31, 9:36pm
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with left-foot braking, in fact it reduces the overall reaction time to avoid an accident as well as being useful when maneuvering.
The problem is with the driver who rests his/her foot on the brake, just as it is with the driver who rides the clutch in a manual.Drivers who do either of those things are not the best drivers on the road.

321mat, May 31, 9:41pm
Some clowns love to ride the brakes.

Although, I would have much rather this topic have read:
Slim Babes with DD Boobs - Discuss.

moosie_21, May 31, 10:44pm
It's not an F1 car, no one should be using both feet in an auto.

gunhand, May 31, 10:53pm
Says! cannot say Ive ever actually seen any law or anything against it. Stand corrected if you can show the legislation that says you can't.
Is it in the road code! Not sure if it is is it, Might be lol.

unclejake, May 31, 11:27pm
That is only your opinion and is not based on any fact whatsoever

The problem is people dragging the brake and upsetting following drivers. Sure it is more likely with two foot braking, but two foot braking doesn't mandate that the brake light will be on when it isn't wanted

i-n-horz, May 31, 11:48pm
As a young fella in me mates ol'mans car his ol'man would rest his foot on the brake to a point where the car was labouring while trying to accelerate and as soon as his foot came off the gas you could feel the car pulling up.I could never figure out why he drove like that even at the age of 10ish.

bluecambridge, May 31, 11:56pm
some of you make some valid (IMO) points about emergency braking, reaction times etc. I myself haven't noticed this phenomena of people driving with brake lights on, I only notice it on downhill stretches where people in autos stand on the brakes all the way down instead of shifting into 2nd

lookoutas, Jun 1, 12:41am
If you can't left-foot brake, don't. But don't tell me not to!
Yes - I'm guilty of resting my left foot ready to brake whilst in traffic, and it sometimes doesn't take too much movement to trigger the switch, which doesn't mean the brakes are working/wearing.
My Mustang has an aftermarket Hi-stop (obviously) and that has a small LED pilot light facing frontwards. Very handy.

I right-foot brake on the open road.

r15, Jun 1, 1:00am
i live in gisborne, most of the time around here there isnt someone coming the other way.i only do the high beam thing when there is nobody else around to be affected by it but the offender in front of me

wrong2, Jun 1, 1:38am
i dont know why you would drive an auto with one foot

alternating between the gas & the brakes is so much more controllable with 2

unclejake, Jun 1, 2:00am
We have to nip this in the bud. First they start braking with one foot, then the other, then both feet and soon enough afterwards these guys are on heroin and stabbing children.

unclejake, Jun 1, 2:06am
Oh, and I remember that TMMMB user reTyre (nee 40odd) used to get ENRAGED at the concept of other drivers being able to left foot brake when he couldn't do it himself

sr2, Jun 1, 2:30am
And I allways thought that brest feeding started you off on the slippery slope of heroin addiction.

a18a, Jun 1, 2:38am
Doesn't bother me. I don't need to rely on the brake lights of the vehicle in front of me to tell me they're slowing down.

mugenb20b, Jun 1, 2:50am
I do, but not all the time.

un_known, Jun 1, 2:51am
lots of brake dust on the front wheels makes me cringe.eww.especially when its on a modern car with nice big alloys, mostly mercs and beemers, with some middle aged suit wearing upper class wannabe behinf the wheel.if you can afford the car you should be able to pay someone to wash the damn thing.i see people riding the brakes going downhill all the time normally crv's too or daihatsu suvs,, completely pointless will only heat your brakes up so when you really need to stop they will have faded out.

milkath, Jun 3, 3:21am
of the auto's in cars i only use one foot. But we had big hyster fork trucks at work that had forward reverse on the accelerator, so it made it a two foot drive as it was impossible to one foot it.

ema1, Jun 3, 10:50pm
Same here, I drive forklifts a lot and they are both foot operated and I've always driven an automatic car with both feet, in fact pretty much all yanks and others that drive automatics overseas I've noticed have used both feet.

mrfxit, Jun 3, 11:34pm
Same situation with those forklifts as it is with race cars. .

WTF has it got to do with PUBLIC ROAD DRIVING

Forklift/race cars .
2 VERY DIFFERENT vehicles.
2 very different purposes

Domestic vehicles designed for PUBLIC roads . are NOT race cars or forklifts

Will you lot get that info through your THICK HEADS.

rta777, Jun 3, 11:42pm

Yes, I agree - this is a public message board not a brothel.