People who drive autos with the brakes always on

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r15, May 31, 7:04am
the 2 footed auto driver. the one who drives along with their brakelights on constantly, sometimes flickering a little when accelerating.


lugee, May 31, 7:25am
good for brake shops

unclejake, May 31, 7:30am
I am a left foot braker (in an auto, but right foot in a manual) and I think reminder threads like this one are good.

I am 99.99999% certain I have never had my foot on the pedal when not actually braking, but it is always possible that it has happened

r15, May 31, 7:38am
they annoy the hell out of me, im sure they would get upset if i drove around with brake lights that didnt work- their ones are just as much use

flat_white_ltd, May 31, 8:02am
hadn't thought of it that way ( till now )
.but you're right. always on is as good as no brake-light if they need to actually stop.

bmwnz, May 31, 8:04am
I've never seen this happen.
Is it common where you live!

flat_white_ltd, May 31, 8:12am
can't speak for r15,. but Isee it all the time around our place ( hill going down to Albany,. & the one on the other side going Nth ).never occurs to most of the big auto 4WD rural-urban sidewalk-commando school-run mums to actually engage a lower gear going downhill all the time
must cost hubby's heaps in pads/rotors

bluecambridge, May 31, 12:27pm
haha yeh this is a pet hate of mine also, I live in CHCH and often drive over the steep hill to Taylor's Mistake beach, and get sick of following people down the hill who are standing on their brakes the whole time! I just shift into 2nd and cruise down with hardly any brakes which would be a much more relaxing drive if I wasn't constantly in danger of running up the back of the brake-happy crew

phillip.weston, May 31, 2:56pm
I think it doesn't help that some people don't realise that to slow down you don't instantly have to jump on the picks, you can simply take your foot off the accelerator.

peasgood, May 31, 3:26pm
Yeah they have never had to drive old trucks,cars that had no brakes !just look the front wheels of some of them ,and see the amount of brake dust on them.

r15, May 31, 4:11pm
most of you have missed my point lol, i was getting at the people who for example will be accelerating out of an intersection with the brake lights on, or driving along a flat road. with the brake lights on, or going uphill. with the brake lights on

fiatracer, May 31, 4:36pm
yes, it's sadly common, bloody annoying, and dangerous in traffic - if you're behind them you have no way of knowing if they're braking for a child, etc. It's lazy, ignorant driving.

fiatracer, May 31, 4:37pm
combine this habit with the other lazy ignorant habit of leaving rear fog lights on, and it's tempting to remove the rear lights of such cars.

mrfxit, May 31, 5:16pm
Yep seen that a lot, simply can't trust them & have to hang back

mrfxit, May 31, 5:19pm
Some other traders in other threads have tried to justify left foot braking because other countrys do it & or racing drivers do it that way.

WTF has THAT got to do with NZ!

fiatracer, May 31, 5:34pm
rally drivers. Track drivers to help with turn-in. V8 supercar drivers.

bruceeeeee, May 31, 5:44pm
Half of the drivers of auto's.
They don't know what to do with their left foot so they rest it on the brake pedal and get rid of some more of the brake pads.

mrfxit, May 31, 5:54pm
I do sometimes . . . .

I am backing an auto car with a trailer on, upa steep driveway & NEED the TORQUE but not the revs
When loading a car on to tall car ramps ^ ^ ^^^ ^

hamishcookie, May 31, 6:03pm
I'm shocking if I put my left foot on the brake, I just about go though the window.

nickolaz, May 31, 6:09pm
That still doesn't explain why people do it around town.

crzyhrse, May 31, 6:20pm
I see one or two of these retards each week.

r15, May 31, 7:06pm
lol , these too!
they dazzle the eyes nicely. i feel a lot better when i follow these people with my headlights on high beam.though im yet to see someone realize and turn off their rear fog lights, which confirms what i first thought-the driver has no idea

johnf_456, May 31, 7:36pm
That makes you just as bad as them if not worse driving around on highbeam think about drivers coming in the opposite direction

shuddupowh, May 31, 7:53pm
Same here. Use my right foot ever since I first drove an auto when I was 15.So no skill with my left, only on the clutch in a manual.

trogedon, May 31, 7:58pm
Clean up your language