Warped brake rotors and car yards.

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johnf_456, May 15, 6:28pm

crzyhrse, May 15, 6:51pm
Correct but that doesn't remove the dealer's obligation to rectify the shudder - that comes under the CGA. What it does remove is the dealer's option of surfacing them. and it seems to me the OP doesn't have a lot of trust in the dealer's mechanic given what happened with the tyres.

jezz43, May 15, 7:13pm
thank you kaz, i was wondering about the refund issue. im tired of waiting for the repairs to be done and want to take the car back and buy something else. if i am to ask for a refund on the vehicle, what do i need to know before i go and pursue it! i was under the understanding that a refund can only be within a certain period of time from purchase date of vehicle (like a week!)

snoopy221, May 15, 7:27pm
Righto we at last have this thread going in the RIGHT direction.
jezz43-i named a well recognised brake repair place prior.
From the price you gave and your profile area i suspect the named place may be where you had the discs measured!
Also as has been posted the DEALER PRINCIPAL-IIE Owner/Manager of the yard is WHO you need to deal with.
[I could name dealers local to you who have had crud cars leave their yard unaweres to them personaly-and have put matters right when made aware.]

snoopy221, May 15, 7:29pm
Again worn/undesize discs on a commode is comon as-and the disc measurement simply alludes to a condition showing as a *potential problematic area* at time of sale-IMHO

guider1, May 15, 7:36pm
It boils down to a slack lazy wof inspector who needs his a** kicked & a dodgey dealer. BUT; if you noticed it when you drove it off the lot you should've gone straight back to him & raised the issue there & then. You're probably screwed now so just replace & enjoy.

franc123, May 15, 7:43pm
WRONG.Go and study the rules before making statements like that, if brake rotors are still above or at minimum thickness and not causing the directional control of the car to be affected under braking then they are not failable.But agree, just get the damn things replaced, it takes about an hour just for a rotor replacement, they are consumable parts that wear out, end of story.And above all accept that cars cost money to run and repair.Is the dealer required to pay petrol and insurance bills too!

guider1, May 15, 7:53pm
I dont need to study any rules franc. I do things properly the first time. If a rotor LOOKS worn it should be measured end of story! Lazy wof inspectors is all it is. OP has said they are at minimum already. throw them away.

johnf_456, May 15, 7:54pm
franc knows his stuff hes a wof inspector guider1

elect70, May 15, 8:33pm
Forget going back to the dealerlet the motor vehicle disputes sort itthe longer it goes on worse it gets . I would have done the replacement & new pads by now anywayif you were that worried . At best dealer may have to pay a portion of cost .

jezz43, May 15, 9:07pm
the brakes are only the main issue as to why i wont drive it. it also has an issue with the drivers door no opening from the outside and a couple of other bits and pieces, all of which were mentioned at the start. the only thing he has done as of yet is the window switch. im just tired of waiting, im paying off a car i cant use till he decides to pull finger. im aware i could have just done brakes myself, but at the end of the day, i dont have a spare $300 right now to do it, so im using a friends car.

franc123, May 16, 12:01am
Still not grasping this are we!On many vehicles its not possible to make measurements without removing the wheels to do so, this cannot be done without consulting the customer first and charging extra, you know, us not being a charity n all and being careful not to keep customers waiting more than the ten minutes they think it takes to do a full WOF these days.If the inspector believes that they may be undersize if a "wheel on" measurement isn't possible, then a proper inspection can be ordered to prove compliance.If it wasn't glaringly obvious that they were they would have been passed.I still think you should spend some time studying the VIRM and seeing what can and can't be done before making a fool of yourself even further.Enjoy.

johnf_456, May 16, 12:04am
Totally agree guider1 wofs are stictly a visual inspection only as well to add, so removing wheels is a no no(unless the customer requests it)

crzyhrse, May 16, 12:13am
In order to reject the vehicle there needs to be a 'substantial failure of character'. Worn consumables (which is what brake pads and rotors are) would not meet that test.

jezz43, May 16, 3:00pm
so even with the fact that the brakes are dodgy, the drivers door doesnt open from the outside and that it feels like its all over the place in the wet (doesnt feel very good, like is sliding in the front end at low speed) wouldnt count! all these issues have been bought to the car dealers attention and he still sits on his hands. the brakes and door have been an issue from day 1 which he has been informed of and still chooses to mess me around.

guider1, May 16, 3:57pm
Good on him. and i'm a mechanic who does things thoroughly! Obviously a difference.

guider1, May 16, 4:54pm
Apparantly not jezz, franc says it's "visual" check only, lol, great to know just who the public are trusting their safety in ay!!

As for VIRM franc, who cares; a wof check is supposed to be about the safety of the vehicle & if it takes an extra 10min (as stated by yourself) then that's what it takes.
Some of us obviously put the driver safety before the bank account; because realistically it is costing probably $5-7 extra to check them properly.
Safety of the vehicle is first & foremost to me, even if it does take a little extra time at my expense i'm happy to do so.
Over & out of this BS debate!

jezz43, Mar 1, 7:11pm
1998 holden commodore, 247000 when purchased, was advertised at $5990, but when it came to paperwork he put it up to $6490 then took our trade in off. and said we paid $500 deposit which we didnt, after all that the car was $4990. yes i know its cheap, and yes im probably expecting too much, but i would like it to be atleast safe for the road, its got a brand new warrant from his "mates" shop and ive found several things it should have failed on