Considering purchasing a WRX

mig5, Apr 19, 2:36am
Do I need to be a douche before buying one or will it come naturally after I have one!

ryanm2, Apr 19, 2:38am
if you have already thought about it you are already a douche. Purchasing ones just makes you a poor douche.

trader127, Apr 19, 2:39am
haha both! Oh YoU ShuLd GeT aN ev0 coS ThEy aRe tHe BeST, evEn On FaSt AnD thE fUrioUS, aND yU wILL bE so CoOL. -spits on the ground and walks off-

franc123, Apr 19, 2:41am
and an even poorer douche if you get a bad one.You better have enough money to fit in that slot on the bonnet, it's what it's there for and it will stop if you don't feed enough in.

200sx, Apr 19, 2:44am
You will only be a douche if you don't do your homework and buy a blinged-up, neoned, lowered, tinted, 18" rimmed, 9 decals on the door, wankmobile. If you buy a nice, tidy tasteful example that hasn't been thrashed to death, then you have done well.

rscozzie, Apr 19, 3:50am
version 7 sti onwards are awsome