are you fkn mental crzy you may as well claim you are he, two johns from waitak, that surely could not be a coincidence could it, perhaps you are johnf's third login ( if he even has more than one - something that your tinfoil hat thinking has not proved)
Apr 20, 6:05am
Everyone muddles up words part of mineis i am on a hurry too much and i dont check it. I know people that make similar troll statements like you but doesn't mean its you. I have nothing to hide but your just crazy. Especially when no one can see each other face to face, people are bound to have similar words.
Apr 20, 6:08am
settle johnf, paranoid rs's like him are just not worth the time and nothing you can say will show him he has made an error - and it's not the first error he has made based on a few random similarities he has decided, and will never see the light cos he's convinced he is right
Apr 20, 6:13am
Yeah your right. Thanks mate
Apr 20, 6:15am
No sale.
Apr 20, 6:17am
Clearly you've not taken time to look at the evidence. That's your problem to deal with.
Apr 20, 6:23am
lol, what 'evidence' fool oh great detective or is that defective, typo's are so unpredictable
Apr 20, 6:25am
"It's too much of a coincidence. " well at least you admit there is a coincidence, but coincidence is not evidence
Apr 20, 6:46am
Using 'been' when it should be 'being' is not a typo. It's a substitution.
Apr 20, 6:48am
You're clearly not aware of the definition of coincidence. I suggest you consult a dictionary.
Apr 20, 7:15am
Has and as, I personally cant get my head around that. That is just to coincidental. 1 vote crazy.
Nov 22, 3:54am
Its not like the H is even anywhere near the A!
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