Does a WoF inspector check the thickness of brake

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johnf_456, Apr 6, 1:20am
xacoons simple it is your full responsibility to maintain the vehicle you drive, if you cannot simple walk or ride a bus. WOF s are in no way a guarantee a vehicle is safe. So since you know about it why not make the extra effort to check things like this rather than passing the blame and blaming society.

xacoon, Apr 6, 1:33am
who was passing the blame! I mentioned that there are countless people with no idea about automotive, do you expect everyone to know everything about vehicles, yet you think the licencing tests are too hard! I am just bringing up a point that the brakes are the biggest safety feature of your car. yet you claim wofs arent to check a vehicles safety! why do we have them at all then!

johnf_456, Apr 6, 1:36am
Simple if in doubt get someone else to for you if your too dumb. Wofs are for safety at the time of inspection ie to help make vehicles safe. As a wof will never make a car safe for the next 6 months or even next day after a wof. Whos to say you woudn't do skids and have metal out of the tyres then blame the wof man for it. Has for driving tests I think they are fine the way they are, but the problem is people that disregard the road rules full stop. Especially older drivers, they just get use to breaking it after a while so it becomes natural.

xacoon, Apr 6, 1:37am
actually looking through where did I blame society, or in fact anything! I just think such a simple thing should be on a wof have proven repeatedly thatr some people have no idea of certain issues.

xacoon, Apr 6, 1:38am
like a wof inspector!

johnf_456, Apr 6, 1:40am
Yes which the wof guy would most likely be a mechanic, simple take you car in and say sir can you have give everything a going over for me. problem!

johnf_456, Apr 6, 1:41am
well you were implying its the wof guys fault for you not realizing you had faulty brakes when its your problem to make a vehicle is up to standard no one else!

xacoon, Apr 6, 1:43am
ok will answer edited version too. where did I say it wasnt for at the time of inspection! all I am saying, and I will say this simply so a retard such as yourself can understand, MOST OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC ARE NOT THAT INTO CARS, and expect to be told any issues of safety with their vehicles at wof time, as we the working public are led to believe that these safety issues are what the wof is in fact bringing to our attentions, now is it not a simple act to check pads when vehicle is on a hoist for someone who knows what they are doing! a fair whack of the population cant change a tyre, yet you expect them to check their pads!

xacoon, Apr 6, 1:45am
learn to read, I said it made me think why it wasnt a check issue as there are numerous folk who just dont do vehicles, I never blamed the wof guy.

xacoon, Apr 6, 1:46am
I was pissed the pads had faulty wear indicators, two pads rooted without a squeak!

dent, Apr 6, 1:48am
As a wof inspector I try to inspect the brake pad thickness. But unfortunately it is not possible in all cases to see them. Some vehicles its just impossible to see. It comes to regular maintenance. You have a regular service for a extra few dollars get you mechanic to remove the wheels and check your brakes. Its that simple.

johnf_456, Apr 6, 1:50am
There is no need for the personal attacks and name calling just because I question why you cannot keep a car up to standard. Relying on a wof to keep your vehicle safe is dumb and utter stupid. Driving daily then only fixing what the wof man finds is not the way of keeping a vehicle safe on the road. Vehicles need constant maintenance by people who know what they are doing, so get it checked over by the wof man and also get it serviced by yourself if you can or a professional if you can't yourself. If anyone is in the wrong it is yourself, relying on a wof is not the way, vehicle servicing is a big factor in make sure a vehicle is up to scratch and servicing also saves you money in the long run.

I don't expect them to do it themselves, but I would expect them to get someone to service there vehicle if they lack the know how. Other than solely relying on the wof man, cars are not maintenance free. Everyone I know gets the cars serviced when they are due and funny enough don't have issues like this.

johnf_456, Apr 6, 1:51am

But some people like to blame the wof man for not doing his job. It is the owners full responsibility to make sure a car is up to standard at all times.

xacoon, Apr 6, 1:52am
all I am trying to get at in this thread is the general public who think their cars need fuel and tyres and thats it are the ones at risk here, I think the brake check should be a bit harder that is all

johnf_456, Apr 6, 1:53am
Well there is already a well checked process in place, has strictly wofs are visual only we only act on what we can see.But the trouble with nz in general not saying you is, new zealanders rely on a wof been sweet for the next 6 months even for things like cam belts and running out of oil.

xacoon, Apr 6, 1:57am
so its fine for you to call people dumb! sweet thats fine, you must be pretty dumb yourself to think that all who own a car have car savvy, for the last time I repeat I NEVER blamed the wof guy, it just made me think of those who have no idea about vehicles. just because you are perfect and know all it doesnt mean your local retail assistant thinks of things like brake pad wear or even serviving their car, only get a wof coz they have to.

franc123, Apr 6, 1:58am
Exactly, and until this is legislated for and in the VIRM that a wheels off inspection and the brakes checked in a thorough manner that is how it will be, owner responsibility the whole way over and above what the AVI has to check.If it did become compulsory and measurements of rotors, pads, shoes, drums had to be strictly adhered to, cylinders or calipers overhauled at the slightest sign of weepage or deterioration of rubbers, the hour getting rusted on brake drums off to find no fault automatically added to the cost of the WOF, would we be greeted with a fusillade of whinging!You betcha!

johnf_456, Apr 6, 2:00am
I did not say you were dumb I meant people in general, Ie not personal. And yes I realise you were not going at the wof guy, but my point is there is a lot of people that do moan to the wof guy for the owner being useless. Guess I can't say that either. Pal everyone knows cars have service intervals, why do you think they put a sticker on your window.

xacoon, Apr 6, 2:02am
I would rather pay more for a full on inspection, I have had wofs where driving out of the building I felt like I was in an unsafe vehicle, was a problem that should have been picked up with a simple drive round the block too,

johnf_456, Apr 6, 2:03am
Not to mention the risk factor of breaking things while inspecting more thoroughly and I do not just mean brakes. The price of wofs would shoot up and a more time inconvenience for people getting one. Which is why I think regularly servicing is a must and wof like we have now is the way to go. But nz's cannot service there car as you would know.

franc123, Apr 6, 2:07am
Excellent, write to NZTA and explain that to them, it might get the ball rolling, I'm not disagreeing with the principle of that in any way.Also ask them why they consider a road test isn't necessary when it is clearly a good guide of vehicle condition and the fact that the crowd with the puke orange buildings up and down the country that do a significant amount of safety checks do not do road tests.

xacoon, Apr 6, 2:10am
shit didn't realise that, no orange sheds in my neck of the woods, no road test is pretty piss poor practice.

dent, Apr 6, 3:01am
Yeah how do you feel if a vehicle is pulling badley to one side of the road with not road test.

xacoon, Apr 6, 3:04am
too right, I have never had a wof without a road test, thought it was common practice, forget the brake pad discussion, that is a major part of the check missing right there.

johnf_456, Apr 6, 3:10am
But remember vtnz are suppose to be the safety experts. Wanna join me with the tui's.