Does a WoF inspector check the thickness of brake

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dent, Apr 6, 3:13am
But in saying all that ltsa know that they dont do road tests and accept it so why have the accepted it as common practice.

xacoon, Apr 6, 3:19am
I suppose why bother if you dont have to do it. man I'm glad we dont have a vtnz in town. I really am a bit gobsmacked with the lack of road test.

franc123, Apr 6, 3:22am
The question is dent, why is it acceptable!When you have a clear reason for rejection in the form of a vehicle that "significantly pulls to one side" or whatever the wording is,in the steering/susp section (not brakes) how can this be detectable without a road test!

dent, Apr 6, 3:26am
I completely agree with ya. Maybe because LTSA dont wana argue with two big companys AA and LTSA.

xacoon, Apr 6, 3:29am
I have had a top wishbone bush gone in my xb ute, would randomly pull to the right pretty hard (read damn near across the other side of the road) but it was only ever able to be picked up while driving,.

franc123, Apr 6, 3:30am
Yep, I believe there is a degree of favouritism going on here.

xacoon, Apr 6, 3:31am
have always had good wofs from the local AA, although Malcom the guy who runs the show there is one of those exceptional guys who does his job fantastically well, and lives and breathes cars.

paul271, Apr 6, 3:34am
Or self centring steering check, or speedo check, or wheel bearing rumble, or suspension knock, or knackered shocks.should I go on!

franc123, Apr 6, 3:43am
lol, you're on to it!Doing a road test first gives you an instant picture of what a vehicle is like generally, and what areas you should be paying particular attention to once its on the pit or hoist, a heap of problems show up early this way.

paul271, Apr 6, 3:49am
I have just installed a new brake tester in my shop, and i'm amazed at the stuff its picking up that is undectable in a roadtest. However, we are still doing the roadtest for obvious reasons.

phalanax, Apr 6, 3:54am
Funny how some folks seem to be upset at the Micky mouse comment .yet ive seen plnty of car dealers push thru cars that should never get a warrantgiven there defective state.recent experiences .a vy commie with clearly visible broken sway bar stabiliser and defective upper strut bearings.Passed.not so long ago a toyota corolla with pads worn to the disk and virtually no handbrake .passed.Mercury cougar.powersteering not working at all.passed.Yep the Mickey mouse club has plnty of members.

phalanax, Apr 6, 4:02am
Further to the Mickey mouse story.Mouseketeersthat fit Metric bolts into AF threads cause theyre to lazy to get the right bolt.snapped of studs because they couldnt be bothered with penetrating oil.overtightened or too loose wheel nuts.not lubricating a thread before bolting it up.crossthreading then leaving it .affixing an alternator by bolting its main support bracket to the steering box.Yep beware.there are alot of mouseketeers about.

iginoi, Apr 6, 4:30am
Wow, big dramas going on. In a word 'no'. A WOF check is carried out to ensure your car meets the required safety standard to be allowed on the road.
This means that the car has met the MINIMUM standard at the time of inspection.
Now, let's say the LTSA required all WOF inspections to include removal of the wheels and a visual inspection of the discs, pads etc. I know for a fact that there would be some pretty p1ssed off motorists if we were failing their rides for scored discs, less-than-minimum thickness pads and discs, not to mention the added wait at the testing station (imagine the threads then)
I disagree that each wheel station should be stripped and inspected with a torch and vernier calipers, however just to recap: a WOF inspection determines if your vehicle was roadworthy or not at the time of inspection.
Prefer Testing Station over Honest Abdul's because TS doesn't do repairs and therefore will not bend you over and grab your hips with fake 'work required' BS.

franc123, Apr 6, 4:51am
^^Hence the reason why nothing changes.Force NZ motorists to maintain vehicles correctly and to a high standard!Shock, Horror!

sandypheet, Apr 6, 1:56pm
The call here to inspect brake friction material by removing wheels, drums etc,would those calling for this also want it extended to motor cycles and trucks!Another thing to ponder would be what percentage of accidents can be attributed to faulty brakes.

xacoon, Apr 6, 2:17pm
you lot arent getting my point, yes there would be pissed off people, but isnt it all about safety at the end of the day! and the bit that seems so hard to get through, some people have no idea about cars, they think you put gas in and go and that is all, wouldnt even realise if the pad was down to the backing. loving to twist words you and your mate john arent you.

xacoon, Apr 6, 2:22pm
or maybe it is as phalanax has suggested and some inspectors just cant be bothered, have been let away with some fairly shonky wofs, eg was in no way roadworthy at time of inspection.

jezz43, Apr 6, 2:26pm
doesnt a vehicle being roadworthy at the time of its warrant include checking all aspects of the vehicle! i think they should be required to check each wheel. if you went for a WoF, and you had your kids with you, and it passed, then as you drove out the driveway to leave and your brakes failed, who would you blame! obviously your vehicle wouldnt be up to scratch then is it!

mecanix, Apr 6, 2:34pm
depends on the fault.light bulbs can be working fine till the next time its used.

spead, Apr 6, 2:57pm
ask the inspector

ct9a, Apr 6, 3:40pm
interesting reading.
if these extra items had to be checked that would then reflect on the cost of a W.O.F. and adding more costs onto the motorist.
im pretty sure every AVI road tests a vehicle but vtnz dont thats one thing ive never understood.

i use a circuit link brake metre which tells you if pulling to one side and if its front or back etc,so far has always been correct in diagnosing.

the ball joints on the older falcon require checking on the ground or 4post hoist.

ct9a, Apr 6, 3:42pm
haha love it

some of the stuff that comes in that people do is just plain priceless

mopsy3, Oct 6, 12:13pm
You forget to mention the added cost to your WOF if wheels,etc were all stripped for comprehensive stripping. There would be your main reason for grizzling motorists.