Well you dont drive enough then, i see them often sittings on the other side of the barrier abd they will pull you up for anything strangly sus. But yes your right about traction and speed limit so why theneed to post what i already said.
My mates books people often by the motorway on ramps.
Mar 30, 2:08pm
when a cop sits on the motorway the traffic becomes soooo slow, speeding is the last thing you'll get done for.
Mar 30, 2:22pm
Are you agreeing your first post was wrong, or something else!
Mar 30, 3:01pm
ithink we need a special thread about johnf_456, what he posts sometimes makes me wonder if he's an old man with dementure problems. no one else has so many posts about problems with the original post. if you have something good to say, john will be the opposite. you watch his reply to this lol.
Mar 30, 3:37pm
Your driving is as bad as your spelling. The on ramp lights serve a purpose and work well. What they do is slow down the cars coming on to the motorway, effectively allowing the motorway itself to flow faster. So if your journey involves a reasonable distance on the motorway, it will be shortened, because you don't have to contend with so many cars trying to merge at every junction you pass.They've made a big difference to driving times in Auckland.
Mar 30, 3:44pm
+1. I drive a lot of miles in Auckland??
Mar 30, 4:01pm
Something else, to clarify yes excessive acceleration can lend you in crap with the authority's even if you do not break traction or break the speed limit. But I meant to say generally speaking they will not book you "most of the time" if you do not break the limt or break traction. Is that to hard to understand!
Has police and very regulary do watch on-ramps and watch people merge and look for anything sus.On my way to work this morning I witness a guy in a v8 ute getting pulled up for gunning it down the on ramp heading south from esmond on ramp.
There will always be speedsters to nab regardless, not all of time can spot the cop with the radar on the side of the road.
Mar 30, 4:12pm
+1 well said, they are there to actually help the motorway keep flowing provided they are turned on only in heavy traffic.
Mar 30, 4:15pm
You can be done for excessive acceleration, it comes under the boy racer act and public nuisance.
Mar 31, 12:47pm
how does driving away from somewhere quickly get classed as a public nuisance! the sooner you're gone the less chance you have of annoying somebody.
Mar 31, 2:07pm
Guess you have not heard of the boy racer act, you can be done for excessive acceleration.
Mar 31, 2:56pm
or anything else the cop feels like charging you with. the boyracer act enables cops to do whatever they like 'at their discresion' (my spelling is shit)
Mar 31, 3:31pm
theres your problem, most Auckland drivers are not competent!
Mar 31, 5:42pm
What traffic lights! I used to just ignore them when I lived in Aucks. Drove straight through them every time like they didnt exist. :-)
I shake my head when I see people stopping for them! I mean, what's the point. They were created to give some pencil pusher something to do. Nothing more, nothing less.
I knew when they were first suggested they were an absolute idiotic idea. I have always maintained the stance, that the idiot that came up with the idea and anyone that had anything to do with the implementation of them, should be firedand made to compensate for the cost of installing and removing them.
Suggestion for you. Unless you see a cop parked by one, just ignore them. It's the sensible thing to do.
Mar 31, 11:06pm
Once again little old NZ leads the world.
Mar 31, 11:39pm
We don't have this problem down here in the "sticks"
Mar 31, 11:48pm
if i had a hot exotic car that could do 0-60 in 2.5 secs, as long as i don't exceed the speed limit how is a cop going to be able to enforce that! the trusty old 3.8 litre commydore would struggle a 0-60 in 6 secs so by the time he's caught up, you're in cruise mode & you haven't broken any law. you can't tell me a cop will confiscate my car for that!
Mar 31, 11:54pm
The boy racer act is a crock of rubbish. I mean that whole thing about cruising! Come on, I mean are they going to go to beach hop and arrest everyone!
I know someone that has been done under it and it makes no sense cause he was driving a crappy silvia that he doesn't care about. He is a real loose driver and hopeless but the laws won't stop him. I drove his car once and he had it set up to drift, was dangerous to drive.
Mar 31, 11:54pm
Yeah it would take a prick of cop to do it, but as we know a lot will try it on. Simply put the best method of having a clean record on the road is to not attract attention to yourself. So if you floor it past a car and look the type then you would probably be pulled over and booked. Even careless driving, we all know there is some crooked cops so really why attract unnecessary attention to yourself.
Mar 31, 11:58pm
Yup, but sadly as life goes we all get punished for the dumb actions of a few morons. So if you do attract attention to yourself you will probably be booked, on my way to work a few times a week a cop is bound to be there watching the traffic merge just to the side.
Apr 1, 12:00am
I lived in Auckland for 4 years, pre- the merge lights.
First saw them on a visit back there in 2010. The traffic flow around CMJ and the Grafton Gully seemed a hell of a lot better with the lights in operation.
Apr 1, 1:02am
I occasionally join about 7:30am at Khyber Pass.Firstly, there is nowhere for a cop to hide and secondly, I get mightily brassed off doing a stop, start, stop start, stop start, uphill, as a) it knackers the clutch and b) uses too much fuel.
They don't work, as I often rerturn via the North Western motorway and the merge ramp is choc- a-block, as is the motorway, so the cars have to alternate as they always used to, not only there, but 50 metres down the road where the Wellington St (ex-city) traffic joins, same again!No change whatever, so how can they make any difference at all in those locations!
For what it is worth, it is quicker to leave the north western at Pt Chev and rejoin at Curran St, which makes a total mockery of the motorway system.
If they want to merge two additional lanes into the existing busy traffic, then they have to build two extra lanes to cope with it.Witness the shambles at Manukau (8 lanes into 2)or Constellation Drive - 5 lanes into 2 - just before the traffic leaves for Albany and the North Harbour Stadium.
The words quarts and pint pots spring to mind.
Apr 1, 1:11am
When did I specifically say Khyber pass it could be any on ramp perhaps read before make judgements, curran street is another one I often see them at.
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